mexico academic

The Mg. Cristian Blanco presented a study whose purpose was to enhance the development of transversal skills in students of the VIII level of the Auditing career.

In the city of Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico, the XVI Research Assembly was held between November 13 and 16, organized by the Latin American Association of Faculties and Schools of Accounting and Administration (ALAFEC), led by the Autonomous University of Nayarit. .

The Assembly included the participation of more than 100 presentations chosen under a blind review from all of Latin America. Among the selected investigations, the study was found called: “Guide to active teaching-learning strategies for the development of transversal competencies of students studying the VIII level of the ULS Auditing career”, presented by the academic of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the U. de La Serena, Mg. Cristian Blanco Alfaro.

This study sought to enhance the development of transversal skills in students of level VIII of this career, considering for this the teamwork skills; comprehensive reading; leadership, autonomy and personal initiative; mathematical logical reasoning and adaptation to change. As a result of this educational innovation project and as a result of the implementation of the developed guide, it is possible to point out that it was possible to effectively enhance the majority of the transversal competencies considered in this study, which was evidenced through the performance of a 360 degree evaluation. degrees. This research was carried out, in her capacity as co-author, by Mg. Patricia Cortés Iturrieta, Director of the Audit School.

Professor Blanco stated that it was “a very enriching experience, as it has allowed him to exchange opinions with professionals from the most different and varied countries, which has undoubtedly contributed not only to his academic, but also cultural and personal enrichment.”

In addition, he thanked the University “for having had the opportunity to represent the Audit career in an event of this magnitude, showing work with solid scientific foundations, which was ratified by professionals from the different attending countries and from the organizing committee itself. ”, receiving a distinction for his outstanding participation.

The next challenge is to apply for the Audit career to be part of ALAFEC, for which a series of highly demanding requirements must be met. This seal will be ratified at the next General Assembly, to be held in Costa Rica in 2020.



journalism student

“Luciérnagas Sangrientas” will be officially launched in La Serena on Friday, November 30 at the Maleta Roja Bookstore.

As a love letter to the horror genre, Francisco Traslaviña, a student of the ULS Journalism program, defines his book “Bloody Fireflies: Halloween in Ciudad Kane”, recently launched in the city of Santiago, through the Puerto de publishing house. Escape, right in the middle of the Halloween festival, the context in which the main story takes place.

“It is a very exciting story, the action does not stop, the narrative is aggressive, there are many characters. It is an extraterrestrial invasion seen from different perspectives and that is the first arc of the story, the bloody fireflies when they invade the city,” said the young man who since childhood has been a staunch fan of literature and cinema of this genre.

The book “Bloody Fireflies” was published almost three years after he began writing it. Francisco described it as a university situation that caused this book to be born and that “as I was writing it, I had fun, I enjoyed creating these characters. When I discovered that I was having fun, I thought I could amuse other people.”

Currently, the 22-year-old young man with a degree in Social Communication is carrying out his professional practice in the Office for the Protection of Child and Youth Rights of the Municipality of La Serena and, at the same time, he continues writing what will be his new book, already that the motivation has not stopped there. “This year I finished another book that deals with a slightly more internal story. “It is a family plot in a murky context of satanic rituals, but at its core it is a story of redemption and personal development,” he said.

“Luciérnagas Sangrientas” will be officially launched in La Serena on Friday, November 30 at the Maleta Roja Bookstore, and on January 11 at the Gabriela Mistral Regional Library, being undoubtedly a contribution to novels of this genre in the country and the region. .

Source: School of Journalism



without inclusion

Various speakers and organizations that currently develop programs for people with intellectual and mental disabilities participated in the Seminar that was held at the ULS.

Challenges for the independent life of people with intellectual disabilities under the perspective of Human Rights was the central topic of the Seminar organized, coordinated and carried out by the Inclusive Project Management Team of the University of La Serena, with financing from SENADIS.

sem inclusion2The Seminar held in the Pentagon Hall of the ULS, aimed to provide a conceptual and experiential approach to the topic of autonomy and independent living of people with intellectual disabilities in Chile. It was aimed at teachers, families of people with intellectual disabilities, professionals related to the area, social organizations of and for people with disabilities belonging to the Coquimbo Region and the general public.

The occasion was attended by high-level speakers such as: Leonor Cifuentes, lawyer, Master in Social Services Management, University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain) and member of the United Nations Committee in charge of preparing the International Convention on Human Rights. People with Disabilities: Law 20422, who presented: “Disability in the era of Human Rights”; Claudia Verdugo, professional from the Department of Policies and Intersectoral Coordination of the National Subdirectorate of SENADIS, Transit to Independent Living Program (TVI), in charge of: “Good Practices around the delivery of support services for independent living in people adults in situations of disability and dependency”; and Marcela Tenorio, PhD in Psychology and researcher on intellectual disability issues, who addressed: “Path to autonomy: Evidence-based program for the development of adaptive behaviors in young people with intellectual disabilities.”

sem inclusion3In addition, there were reports of experiences from organizations that currently develop programs for people with intellectual and mental disabilities, among them: the Fuerza y ​​Voluntad Group, with “Verde Inclusion”; Las Compañías Community Mental Health Center, with “Community intervention for people with mental disabilities: challenges for social inclusion”; University Program of Social Labor Training for people with Intellectual Disabilities (PRUFODIS) Central University, with “Supported employment experiences, based on university training”; Jean Piaget Labor Center, with “Preparation for working life: a key step for the independent life of people with disabilities”, and Edudown La Serena Group, with “Opening doors towards inclusion”.

Around 120 people attended the seminar, who at the end received a certificate of participation.



workshop ose

The activity aimed to establish links and collect relevant information between the companies and institutions belonging to the Liaison Network for Employability and the representatives of the Faculty.

"Analysis and characterization of ULS graduates" was the name of the activity carried out at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, which brought together employers and teachers from the aforementioned macro-unit, with the purpose of establishing and strengthening ties with those who receive in the workplace the qualified professionals and practitioners of the regional study house.

ose2 workshopThe objective of these working groups, organized by the ULS Graduate Monitoring Office, is to collect relevant information between the companies and institutions belonging to the Liaison Network for Employability and the representatives of the Faculty. The graduation profile, the professional training of graduates, the psycho-labor competencies of professionals and the relationship with the professional training institution were some of the topics discussed in the activity.

The meeting, which brought together employers from the areas of Business Administration Engineering, Commercial Engineering, Auditing and Journalism, managed to establish broad criteria regarding the characteristics of the professionals who graduate from the University and the gaps to be developed in them for a better development and job insertion.

“For us, being in this type of activity is quite important and gives us the opportunity to talk about the different aspects that we see in ULS professionals. They have a marked seal of the University and that cannot be lost, since it is what differentiates them from other houses of study and makes them valuable, but as in any institution there are always things to improve, and that is what we are here for, to be able to help and be active collaborators. I am grateful to be invited and I represent everyone at my table by saying that we are fully available for future meetings,” said Regional Head III and IV Regions, Luis Rojas, of the Transbank company.

ose3 workshopThis meeting, which is part of the committed activities of 2018, was intended to gather the diverse opinions of professional employers from different fields, with the purpose of finding and strengthening communication, as well as knowing the current trends and projections of employability and the performance of professionals in the labor field.

The Dean of the FACSE, Dr. Luperfina Rojas, was present at the activity, who gave the welcome words, emphasizing the importance of having employers close to the Faculty, “since they are the ones who give us direct feedback on how "ULS professionals perform in the labor field, as well as those who can tell us how we can improve and thus take their suggestions into account and apply them." Dr. Rojas also thanked the attending teachers and school directors for their willingness, taking into consideration that they are important in the training of the students.

Source: OSE Press



law master class

Academics and students had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Manuel Atienza Rodríguez, with the conference: “My vision of Law.”

Academics and students of the Law degree from the University of La Serena attended on Thursday, November 15, the inaugural class of “iusCátedra: lessons for Thinking about Law”, organized by the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of O'Higgins, among other institutions, and sponsored by the Faculty of Law of the Diego Portales University, in the city of Rancagua.

On this occasion, the academics: Dr. Daniel Álvarez Soza and Mg. Christian Merino Álvarez, together with the students: Bárbara Peralta Latorre, Nicole Robledo Barraza, Sofía Leyton Godoy and Sebastián Catalán Zapata, had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Manuel Atienza Rodríguez, with the conference: “My vision of Law.” Dr. Atienza Rodríguez is currently one of the most prominent legal philosophers worldwide; Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Alicante in Spain since 1983 and director of the magazine Doxa-Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho since 1984, among other scientific-academic activities.

Professor Merino Álvarez pointed out that “the importance of Atienza for us as a career is fundamental, since courses such as Philosophy of Law and, above all, Introduction to Legal Reasoning, are based on his doctrines and teachings exposed in his work in recent decades.”


carmen varela

The Mg. María del Carmen Varela presented a presentation at the XX Humboldt International Scientific Meeting and the progress of a research at the XXXIX National and XXIV International Congress of Geography.

The XX Humboldt International Scientific Meeting was recently held in the cities of Mendoza and Santiago, where the academic from the Department of Social Sciences of the University of La Serena, Mg. María del Carmen Varela, participated with the presentation titled: “A sociodemographic look at international immigrations 2018, in the Coquimbo Region, Chile.”

carmen varela2The guiding axis of the individual presentations and round tables were linked to the new dimensions of Geographic and Social Sciences, in the context of the current Globalization process. In this meeting that is held annually in different cities of Latin American countries, geographers and scientists from various countries participated, who presented problems linked to Geographic and Social Sciences.

The Chilean phase of this event took place at the headquarters of the Association of Regional Universities, Auditorium Nº 2, Santiago.

Meeting at U. de Concepción

In addition, the ULS academic attended the XXXIX National and XXIV International Congress of Geography, which were held at the University of Concepción, organized by the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Geography together with the Chilean Society of Geographic Sciences.

At this event, the professor of the Department, belonging to the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, presented the progress of the research: “Determine integrated learning strategies for the extraction of information from texts and images” inserted in the PMI FIP ULS project. 1501 of the same name. The project is carried out at the Eusebio Lillo School located in the Punta Mira sector, in the city of Coquimbo.