law master class

Academics and students had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Manuel Atienza Rodríguez, with the conference: “My vision of Law.”

Academics and students of the Law degree from the University of La Serena attended on Thursday, November 15, the inaugural class of “iusCátedra: lessons for Thinking about Law”, organized by the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of O'Higgins, among other institutions, and sponsored by the Faculty of Law of the Diego Portales University, in the city of Rancagua.

On this occasion, the academics: Dr. Daniel Álvarez Soza and Mg. Christian Merino Álvarez, together with the students: Bárbara Peralta Latorre, Nicole Robledo Barraza, Sofía Leyton Godoy and Sebastián Catalán Zapata, had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Manuel Atienza Rodríguez, with the conference: “My vision of Law.” Dr. Atienza Rodríguez is currently one of the most prominent legal philosophers worldwide; Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Alicante in Spain since 1983 and director of the magazine Doxa-Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho since 1984, among other scientific-academic activities.

Professor Merino Álvarez pointed out that “the importance of Atienza for us as a career is fundamental, since courses such as Philosophy of Law and, above all, Introduction to Legal Reasoning, are based on his doctrines and teachings exposed in his work in recent decades.”


carmen varela

The Mg. María del Carmen Varela presented a presentation at the XX Humboldt International Scientific Meeting and the progress of a research at the XXXIX National and XXIV International Congress of Geography.

The XX Humboldt International Scientific Meeting was recently held in the cities of Mendoza and Santiago, where the academic from the Department of Social Sciences of the University of La Serena, Mg. María del Carmen Varela, participated with the presentation titled: “A sociodemographic look at international immigrations 2018, in the Coquimbo Region, Chile.”

carmen varela2The guiding axis of the individual presentations and round tables were linked to the new dimensions of Geographic and Social Sciences, in the context of the current Globalization process. In this meeting that is held annually in different cities of Latin American countries, geographers and scientists from various countries participated, who presented problems linked to Geographic and Social Sciences.

The Chilean phase of this event took place at the headquarters of the Association of Regional Universities, Auditorium Nº 2, Santiago.

Meeting at U. de Concepción

In addition, the ULS academic attended the XXXIX National and XXIV International Congress of Geography, which were held at the University of Concepción, organized by the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Geography together with the Chilean Society of Geographic Sciences.

At this event, the professor of the Department, belonging to the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, presented the progress of the research: “Determine integrated learning strategies for the extraction of information from texts and images” inserted in the PMI FIP ULS project. 1501 of the same name. The project is carried out at the Eusebio Lillo School located in the Punta Mira sector, in the city of Coquimbo.

medieval world

Dr. Amelia Herrera participated in the XXII Medieval Conference held at the Institute of History of the PUCV and the V International Symposium of Medieval Studies of the U. Gabriela Mistral.

The academic from the Department of Social Sciences of the University of La Serena, Dr. Amelia Herrera Lavanchy, participated in two meetings that brought together scholars of the Medieval World from different disciplines.

medieval world2In the month of November, the academic participated in the XXII Medieval Conference held at the Institute of History of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, in which she gave the presentation titled: “Sulpicio Severo: hagiographer and chronicler.” Furthermore, within the framework of these conferences, he was responsible for presenting the book “Essays on the Medieval World”, a work that includes various articles written by Professor Héctor Herrera Cajas, which were edited by Professor Leonardo Carrera, and published by the PUCV in his 90 years.

Professor Herrera also participated in a meeting of the members of the Chilean Society of Medieval Studies, of which she is treasurer, which took place after the closing of the Medieval Days in Valparaíso.

On the other hand, during the month of October, the academic from the state campus attended the V International Symposium of Medieval Studies organized by the Gabriela Mistral University in Santiago, an occasion in which she was able to share with other specialists from Chile, Brazil, Argentina, France and Spain, and participate in a Digital Medievalism workshop.

In this symposium, the ULS academic presented the paper “History and Hagiography in Early Medieval Gaul.”



mistralian center

The activity brought together students from Nursing, Law, Kinesiology and Dentistry, who served the community around Gabriela Mistral's house.

With the firm idea that the open door policy must be maintained, the Mistralian Center, headed by the academic of the Department of Arts and Letters of the University of La Serena and Director of the Center, Dr. Rolando Manzano, carried out a care operation to the community that involved students in their final years of Kinesiology, Dentistry, Law and Nursing majors.

mistralian center2On the occasion, the inhabitants of the Las Compañías sector were able to carry out preventive examinations, legal consultations and exploratory dental care, which they found to be of great help, since they do not always have the instance of care in such a fluid manner, since if Although they are cared for in public services, patients must wait long periods for care from a specific professional.

Among the services offered by the students, the Nursing major performed multistimulation in the elderly, a non-pharmacological therapeutic modality that stimulates the senses and functions that begin to decline in the person. Sensory and cognitive stimulation, among others, was carried out, all by students, who in turn appreciated the space, since it helps them to connect with the social environment and put into practice with real patients everything learned in the classroom with the teachers

This is what Yazmina Segovia, a Nursing major, stated: “coming to the Mistralian Center is an excellent opportunity to put into practice everything we learn in the ward, it is finally being able to get to the patient and answer all the questions they have. they have regarding health. It is a totally rewarding experience.”

The idea, which was born as a concern of the Director of the Mistraliano Center, Dr. Rolando Manzano, was to bring the academy closer to the community, like the legacy of Gabriela Mistral who sought that knowledge not only be given in formal classrooms, but merge with the daily life of society.

mistralian center3“Ultimately what we want to show is that it is the University that arrived and that the Mistralian Center is the University. The community understood us and we have had a lot of support on this journey and also the careers realized that it is important to participate in this type of activities, since the academy faces the real world,” explained Dr. Manzano.

This type of conference, although it is the second time it has been held, is the first version where it brings together more majors, so due to the success of visits it is intended to continue developing on future dates, thus making it clear that the University is committed to its environment and knows the needs of those around its headquarters and knowledge center.

It should be noted that the Nursing, Kinesiology and Dentistry majors carry out constant work with links to the environment, allowing their students to learn about the health work field with real patients. Likewise, the Law degree has a legal clinic, where students provide answers to people seeking help in legal aspects, and where they are accompanied by expert teachers in different areas.


inclusion copypo

Dr. Arlyn Orellana presented to the audience the professional training elective “Communication and Social Inclusion”, which has been carried out since 2017 in the Journalism major.

Last Friday, November 9, the third RESI 2018 National Meeting (National Network of Inclusive Higher Education) was held, called “From Atacama flourishing with inclusion”, which was held at the University of Atacama, in the city of Copiapó. The event, which aimed to present the inclusive educational practices taught by the courses of the different educational institutions in the country, had among its speakers the ULS Journalism academic, Dr. Arlyn Orellana.

On the occasion, the teacher presented to the audience the professional training elective “Communication and Social Inclusion”, which has been carried out since 2017 and which more than 40 students have taken to date.

“This is an important step to consolidate these themes in our career, it is a pride to be able to contribute a grain of sand in the training of students, so that they have a broader view and that with the work they do they can support inclusion in society and that no one is left out,” Orellana emphasized regarding his participation.

The academic added that “it was interesting to contrast it with other subjects that are being taken at other universities, all within a framework of flexibility provided by the electives offered by the courses,” referring to the diversity of chairs offered by universities within this context. . “There are Pedagogy electives in Physical Education that seek to raise awareness and provide tools to teachers to deal with people with mobility disabilities, or in another case in Nursing, sign language courses for students so that they can care for deaf patients,” He indicated regarding other careers that also include inclusion in their curricula.

It should be remembered that the National Network of Inclusive Higher Education, of which the University of La Serena is a part, was created to “promote equal opportunities for access, permanence and graduation of all students, motivated by current challenges and guaranteeing access to higher education for students with disabilities” according to its website and whose National Coordinator is Professor Georgia García, who is also in charge of the ULS Disability Support Program.

Source: School of Journalism



tax talk

The Regional Director presented the 2018 Tax Compliance Management Plan to the students and teachers.

Within the framework of the agreement that the University of La Serena maintains with the Internal Revenue Service (SII), a cycle of talks in the tax field began with the presentation of the 2018 Tax Compliance Management Plan, by the Director Regional of the SII, Víctor Ávila Arriagada. The activity was aimed at students and academics of the Auditing career of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the ULS.

tax talk2The Regional Director presented said Management Plan to the students, pointing out the relevant aspects that require attention from the university world, due to the impact that tax compliance has for everyone, highlighting the main strategies and scope in Value Added Taxes (VAT), Income Tax, Real Estate, International Taxation and High Net Worth.

“This type of activities is very valuable for the training of our students, especially because they have the opportunity to enhance their professional training, in an area as relevant as Taxation,” said the Director of the School of Auditing, Mg. Patricia Cortés Iturrieta, who added that the link with the Internal Revenue Service "also allows us for an important part of our graduates to practice in said service."