HR workshop

The activity was organized by the Human Resources Directorate and the Inclusion and Gender Table of the University of La Serena.

On October 03, between 14:30 p.m. and 17:30 p.m., in the Isabel Bongard Campus, the workshop “Nutrition in people with disabilities and/or dependency” was held, taught by nutritionist Angélica Hernández Cerna, professional from the Student Health Department.

The workshop was aimed at informing and educating those who are in charge of people with disabilities or are dependent on their families, such as older adults and people with serious illnesses.

Those attending this activity expressed a high appreciation of the topic, the design of the workshop and the excellent human and professional disposition of the nutritionist.

The activity was organized by the Human Resources Directorate and the Inclusion and Gender Table of the University of La Serena.


tea seminar

Entities from various areas committed to the subject participated in the event, which carried out an in-depth analysis of the important advances that the investigations have achieved.

In order to update concepts about Asperger Syndrome and analyze the profound advances that have been established thanks to research by INFOAUSTIMO, a team of academics and professionals met in the Andrés Vásquez Hall of the Department of Education from the U. of La Serena, with researcher Arlett Krause, PhD in Psychology from the University of Salamanca.

Professionals from the General Directorate of Student Affairs, Student Health Center, Information and Computing Center, Directorate of Services, Disability Support Program and teachers from the Department of Education of the University of La Serena were present at the work table; all with the purpose of combining criteria and establishing ways of working on an issue that exists in society and that, according to those involved, they do not always know how to address.

tea2 seminarSeminar

There were two instances of work: the first, the aforementioned workshop, which featured team reflection work in the morning; while in the afternoon, at the Gabriela Mistral Regional Museum, the Seminar called “Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Challenges in Higher Education” was held, where the coordinator of Inclusion and Diversity of the Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Education of Coquimbo spoke. , Valeria Martí, who announced the general framework of the Inclusion Policy in Chile with the presentation “Inclusive Educational Community, A Learning Space.”

The academic of the Department of Education, in charge of the Disability Support Program of the University of La Serena and in charge of the Network of Chilean Universities for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities, Dr. Georgina García, was also present. Escala, and the Differential Education teacher, Alejandra Galleguillos Carrasco, support professional of the Disability Support Program.

Both professionals spoke about the Program that the university has and indicated that this instance is the generator of inclusive education processes inside and outside the university community, financed by the Strengthening of the Institutional Model of Comprehensive Support for students of the University of La Serena, in a framework of inclusion and universal accessibility, ULS Project 1799.

In addition, there was the presence of Lorena Figueroa, representative of the La Tribu Occupational House, a comprehensive development space for people with disabilities, who told those present about her “Life Experience.”

To conclude the seminar, and as a guest expert, specialist Krause spoke about Autism Spectrum Disorder and the challenges that currently exist in Higher Education, who analyzed the evolution of the concept and the new tools to make improvements in diagnoses, emphasizing the importance of detection in the first years of life to provide relevant early care to improve the living conditions of subjects who present this condition, also providing suggestions so that the educational system can incorporate relevant adjustments in each case.

The activity had a high turnout, as it had around 180 attendees, including teachers from the regular education system and students from the ULS pedagogy courses.

The event was broadcast to Chile and Latin America thanks to the collaboration of the team from the Informatics and Computing Center of the university, CICULS.


notte column

In a year marked by the creation of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, and ad-porta to the appointment of who will be at its head, the First National Science Day in Chile is celebrated this Sunday, October 7. The creation of the Ministry is not the only thing that marks the context of the historic celebration that will take place this Sunday. Despite the growing Chilean scientific productivity and the increasing global notoriety that our scientists are achieving, the contingency has been marked by the organization of Chilean scientists both in Chile and abroad to give visibility to the precarious working conditions they face. the sector; the enormous inequalities of gender opportunities to pursue a career in research; the low possibilities of job placement for young researchers; and the limited increase in the budget to finance new research projects. This, added to CONICYT data that shows that a good part of Chileans do not understand why scientific work is relevant both for their daily life and the development of the country, makes it imperative to have a discussion about what we want to do with our scientific development. , giving it the space it deserves on the national agenda.

Given that the State Universities in Chile constitute one of the most important pillars for national scientific development, they will be main protagonists of the celebrations that will take place throughout the country. The University of La Serena carries out research in various areas of knowledge and is a driving force in the Coquimbo Region in the training of high-level professionals and specialists. Among its postgraduate programs, it has four doctoral programs accredited by the National Commission of CNA accreditation and a fifth doctoral program in the accreditation process. The ULS has become a scientific hub in the north of Chile and therefore will be one of the most important points of the celebrations in the region, an opportunity in which it will open its doors to the entire community, both to publicize its different areas research as well as the equipment that some of the laboratories have.
The activities will begin at the Andrés Bello Campus from 10 a.m. with words from the authorities and a talk titled “Science for a Smart City” by Dr. Amelia Ramírez, Director of Research and Development of the University.

We reiterate that this is an open invitation to all audiences. We invite our university community to be the protagonist of the celebrations by actively sharing audiovisual material and comments on social networks by tagging the University accounts on Twitter (@userena) and Instagram (u_de_laserena).

Thanking you for your attention, we bid you a cordial farewell.

Dr. Eduardo Notte Cuello
Vice President for Research and Graduate
University of La Serena


The young people learned about the academic offering, the benefits, the services and the various programs and units that the house of higher education has.

For two days, 4 thousand high school students from various educational establishments in the Coquimbo Region visited the University of La Serena to participate in the EXPO ULS 2018, the traditional vocational fair of the state campus.

expo2018 2On both days, the young people and teachers who came to the Ignacio Domeyko Campus had the opportunity to learn about the academic offering, the benefits, the services and the various programs and units that the house of higher education has, interacting with students, academics and professionals from the institution in charge of the stands, who provided clear and relevant information, exhibited equipment and teaching materials from their respective undergraduate programs and responded to students' queries.

In addition to the 40 programs assigned to the faculties of Sciences, Social and Economic Sciences, Humanities and Engineering, the Department of Student Welfare, Dept., was present at this fair. of Health, Dept. of Physical Education and Sports, Dept. of Extracurricular Activities (dependent on the General Directorate of Student Affairs), Admission and Enrollment, Directorate of Liaison with the Environment and Extension, Teaching Improvement Unit, International Relations, Graduate Monitoring Office, Learn ULS - PACE ULS, Digital Campus, Mentoring, I want to be an Education Professional (from UGIP) and Student Federation.

The students present also participated in various talks from the undergraduate programs and institutional units, and enjoyed the musical, artistic and sports presentations of the university groups.

expo2018 3“Hopefully many of our visitors can soon become part of our university community. We also have the assurance that this is an excellent option that will benefit them personally and family and that, after a few years, will contribute to local and national development,” stated the Rector(s) of the ULS, Dr. Jorge Catalán. .

The students who visited EXPO ULS 2018 highlighted the implementation of this promotional activity. This is the case of Francisca Santander, from Colegio Gerónimo Rendic, who indicated that the fair "was good, they explained it well and gave me an introduction to the career that interests me."

Opinion shared by Yulliza Bórquez, a student at the Francis School, who said that the ULS EXPO "seemed very good to me, they treated me well at all the stands and informed me of everything I wanted."

While Constanza Oróstegui, from the Albert Einstein College, highlighted that the fair "has a lot of people who explain things well and that helps those of us who have not yet decided what to study."

The successful ULS vocational fair was organized by the Department of Corporate Communications, with the important collaboration of the macro-units and units of the university.

see photo gallery




The ceremony took place on Friday, September 28, 2018 in the Pentagon Hall of the University of La Serena.

As a way of maintaining and improving the training of the institution's pedagogy teachers, the Integrated Pedagogy Management Unit (UGIP) gave way to the creation of two diploma courses focused on the area of ​​didactic innovation in the Initial Training of Teachers and in the development of competences for the accompaniment of practices in a work context. Both initiatives are part of the PMI FIP ULS1501 Institutional Improvement Plan and mark a relevant milestone within the actions contemplated by the project.

In this context, the inauguration ceremony was held, which was attended by the highest institutional authorities, directors and coordinators of the ULS pedagogy careers, students participating in both diploma courses, professors, and the UGIP team of professionals.

graduates2“The University of La Serena has prioritized, strengthened, and declared that pedagogies are part of the institution's raison d'être, and we must highlight the effort and commitment that many generations of academics and managers have made to benefit them. Today we are giving a clear signal that we are committed to such an important task as education and we as a University are concerned about continuing to improve our educational processes”, said the Rector of the house of studies, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés.

In the same way, the Academic Vice Rector and Executive Director of the PMI, Dr. Jorge Catalán, referred to the importance of the instance. “We have a great track record, responsibility and commitments that we must fulfill, and one of them is to provide conditions for the training of staff who train teachers (...); today the institutional commitment is to always train our students with a practical look and the inauguration of these diploma courses represents a historic moment in the training of the institution's educators”, he emphasized.

In this way, the graduates aim to contribute to the professional, disciplinary and pedagogical development of those whose mission is to train future teachers in the region and the country. "We hope that the diploma courses will be very useful for the reflection and academic training of teachers, fundamentally in this perspective of integration and trying to link the requirements both at the national level and those of the region," said the alternate executive director of the PMI , Dr. Fabian Araya.

graduates3Master class

The occasion was attended by Dr. Mario Sobarzo, member of the Executive Committee of the Chilean Observatory of Educational Policies of the University of Chile and academic of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Santiago de Chile, who was in charge to present the keynote talk "Challenges in Initial Teacher Training: A look from Innovation and Pedagogical Research".

In this regard, the professional elaborated on the orientations of Latin American Public Policies and those specific to Initial Teacher Training, the transformations that the teaching profession has had and how meritocracy has affected it.

“We have to go back to the questions and assume the confusion of reality. Pedagogy, and those of us who dedicate ourselves to its teaching, today are gripped by questions that are external to the school, as we have indicated up to now, but also to contradictions inherent to the system itself. The knowledge that we declared as true just two decades ago is now being questioned. And the very possibility of founding new assumptions enters into a crisis shortly after they are implemented to build new knowledge”, affirmed the speaker.

graduates4For this reason, the academic argued that "pedagogy careers have been obliged to rethink the insertion processes of teachers in training and novices, adapting them to a permanent updating praxis."(See full presentation)

The ceremony ended with a discussion table, in which the directors of the respective graduates, Dr. Rodrigo Ruay and Dr. Sandra Álvarez, participated.

It is worth mentioning that, during the morning session, the UGIP team together with Dr. Sobarzo held a discussion, in which they reflected on the challenges that must be considered to address the processes of institutional improvement in teacher training, exchanging the experiences of the respective PMI developed in the various houses of study.

Source: Unit for the Integrated Management of Pedagogies (UGIP) | PMI FIP ULS1501 – CM ULS 1755



national tourism day

Participation in a seminar, a radio interview and a visit to tourist attractions in the region were some of the activities carried out by ULS academics and students.

During the last week, the Business Administration Engineering major with a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Administration, attached to the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the University of La Serena, participated in multiple activities associated with the celebration of World Tourism Day.

According to the World Tourism Organization, UNWTO, tourism represents 10% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) worldwide, employs 10% of the planet's workers, and is expected to continue growing at an annual rate of 3 % until 2030.  

national tourism day2This year, the theme of World Tourism Day is “Tourism and digital transformation.” According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), thanks to technological advances in the tourism sector, we can contribute to the achievement of important development objectives in this area, whether in companies, inclusion, or the development of communities. local and the sustainability of the sector. The UNWTO considers that digital advances and innovation are part of the answer to the challenge of combining continuous growth with greater sustainability and responsibility in the tourism sector.  

For the Director of the race, Mg. Andrés Álvarez, “the importance of celebrating Tourism Day today is undeniable. As a career we diversify the ways in which the student understands the activity, for this reason it is important that while some academics address how Information and Communication Technologies have changed the way of understanding business, others can experience in the field the relevance of territorial planning and links with communities.”

Thus, within the framework of this celebration, students and academics of the degree participated in the Seminar: "The challenge of digital transformation in tourism", held in the city of Vicuña, thanks to the Invitation of the Illustrious Municipality of Vicuña.

Added to this is an interview on the Tribuna Social program on Radio Mistral al Mg. Andrés Álvarez and the organizing committee of the VII National Congress of Tourism Students, to be held on November 7, 8 and 9.

national tourism day3Visit to Valle del Encanto and Fray Jorge Park

In addition, a visit was made to the Valle del Encanto Historical Monument and the Fray Jorge Forest National Park, in the Limarí Province, managed by the academic, Wilson Rojas.

Regarding the field trip, academic Rojas highlighted that “it is important that students, especially first-year students, can learn about the main tourist attractions of our region, since the majority do not know them and can analyze in situ the transformations that "They can be done to develop more sustainable and inclusive tourism, and thus when they are professionals they can incorporate innovation and new technologies to the development of tourism in our region."

For student Daniela Villalobos, the Valle del Encanto and Fray Jorge “are two great attractions in the region, I think they have potential and should be more developed at the national level. "This field trip helps us know and recommend places and above all analyze the services, the environment and everything we can work on in the future to promote tourism in the region."

While the student Matías Olivares stated that "this helps a lot for the University to connect with the environment, and for us to go outside of La Serena itself and so that we can get to know our region to promote tourism in the future."

see photo gallery