psu scores

In the traditional ceremony held at the University of La Serena, the efforts of the young people who obtained the best scores at the national and regional level were recognized, and also the students who achieved a Ranking Score of 850 points and a high score in the Test of University Selection.

At the Central House of the University of La Serena and on behalf of the Council of Rectors, the ceremony was held to honor the effort and dedication of the students of the Coquimbo Region who obtained national and regional scores in the Test of University Selection (PSU), and of the students of municipal educational establishments, subsidized individuals, paid individuals and technical professionals who achieved the “Academic Merit” award.

This activity was attended by the Rector of the ULS, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, the Mayor(s), Alex Trigo, university authorities, parents and relatives of the students.

psu2 scoresAlejandro Chepillo, student at the Gerónimo Rendic School in La Serena, and Josefina Henríquez, a student at the Amalia Errázuriz School in Ovalle, were the students from the Coquimbo Region who obtained national scores, specifically in the Mathematics test. The student from the Lima establishment also achieved the best PSU Language and Mathematics average, with 823 points.

In addition, the students who achieved regional scores were Piaroa Núñez, from the Andrés Bello School (Language, 829 points); Alejandro Chepillo, from the Gerónimo Rendic School (Sciences, 830 points); Joaquín Hernández, from the Andrés Bello Pampa School (Sciences, 830 points); Emilio Espinoza, from the Francisco Palau School (Science, 830 points); and Vicente Loyola, from Amazing Grace English School (History, Geography and Social Sciences, 827 points)

Meanwhile, the “Academic Merit” distinction was obtained by Josefina Henríquez, from the Amalia Errázuriz School; Ignacio Toro, from the San Juan Bautista School; Mateo Pierotic, from the International School; Julissa Carvajal, from the María Educa School (La Florida); Mauro Arredondo, from the Josamaría Escrivá de Balaguer School in Coquimbo; Carolina Ángel, from the José Miguel Carrera School; and Rocío Salinas, from the Institute of Administration and Commerce of Coquimbo.

psu3 scores“I was excited when I found out the result, it was like a goal to have a national score. I knew I was capable and I made an effort to obtain it,” said Alejandro Chepillo, who wants to study Mechanical Civil Engineering or a Bachelor's Degree in Physics, in Santiago.

While Josefina Henríquez commented that when she saw the results “I didn't believe it, they started calling me from several universities and from the ULS to invite me to the award ceremony. That's when I began to assimilate the news." The student added that she is still evaluating the career she will follow and advised the young people who will take the PSU next year, indicating that "anyone who wants can always (...), give it their all and pursue their dreams."

Rector Nibaldo Avilés congratulated the students for this important achievement and stated that “these young people have made a great effort to obtain it, as have their families, and they are a source of pride for our region. Without a doubt, they will do very well in their higher studies. Of course, we have also invited them to see the University of La Serena as an alternative, an institution belonging to the Council of Rectors.”

psu4 scoresIn this sense, the Mayor (s), Alex Trigo, urged the students to choose the study houses in the Coquimbo Region, in order to advance in the educational issue. He also highlighted that “as a Government we have advanced deeply in what is the Educational Reform; and it is important to point out that in this region there are more than 11 thousand students who study free of charge”.

Certificates and gifts were handed out at the recognition ceremony to all students present.

151 national scores

According to the information provided by the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities, this year 151 young people achieved national scores at the country level: 9 in Language, 117 in Mathematics, 14 in History and Social Sciences and 10 in Sciences. While 1 achieved the PSU Language and Mathematics Average.

See photo gallery

clinical visit

Institution officials toured the modern facilities of this campus that meets high quality standards and allows the University to get closer to the community.

The members of the university community who participated in the tours organized by the central administration were pleasantly impressed, so that they could learn about the new services implemented by the Dental Clinic of the University of La Serena.

This is the case of the secretary of the Department of Mathematics, Paola Pizarro, who pointed out that the tour “was very interesting, I think that all of us, as officials, should get to know the Clinic because it is part of us and the citizens. Also to publicize that it has a very modern infrastructure. “I invite you to take advantage of this invitation to get to know the building.”

clinic visit2Opinion shared by the academic of the Dept. of Mining Engineer, Jorge Martínez, who stated that “the facilities that the Dental Clinic has are luxurious, at a national and even international level, which allows the training given to them (students) to be of excellence. I think that is notable, as is the role it also has in the community, the integration it has with the city and the environment, that is a great contribution.”

For the Director of the Dentistry career, Mg. Cristián Oyanadel, the important thing about these tours is that “they know how the Clinic works, the contribution it makes to the community and the connection with the environment, how we can improve the oral health not only of current patients but also of the university community. , from the community of La Serena and the rural sector. Impacting their oral health and improving their quality of life is the most important thing.”

Regarding these visits, the technical director of the Clinic, Francisco Pedreros, expressed that “it is tremendously important that we can make our Dental Clinic known, that these are instances so that the entire university community can see the facilities, the concern that exists in relation to to the technology that has been implemented, the infrastructure and also the services that the Clinic provides to the university community and also to the regional community.”

The officials who participated in the tours were accompanied by the Race Director himself and other professionals, who showed the facilities, provided details of their work and responded to all the questions raised.

clinic visit3Modern clinic

The ULS Teaching Assistance Dental Clinic, located on Avda. Cisternas, La Serena, has 88 fully equipped dental care boxes, 6 dental radiological procedure rooms, 2 minor surgery pavilions and sterilization center, preclinical laboratory and plastering room , which allow the fulfillment of the practical learning defined in the clinical subject programs, facilitating the development of the necessary clinical skills of the students of the Dentistry career. In addition, it has two classrooms for direct teaching to students.

The facility meets high quality standards and allows the University to get closer to the community, through the resolution of highly prevalent oral pathologies, with a main focus on those people who do not always have the resources to frequently attend a dental surgeon, performing dental treatments and providing solutions to your dental and maxillofacial problems.

This clinic was authorized by the SEREMI de Salud Coquimbo through Exempt Resolution No. 7854 of August 30, 2017, fully complying with the regulations established for this type of health establishment.

See photo gallery


didactic table

The instance is part of the actions carried out by the Institutional Improvement Plan for Pedagogies through the Integrated Pedagogy Management Unit.

With the purpose of offering a structure that favors the creation of a work network with didactic training teachers from ULS pedagogy courses, the first working group led by Dr. Hugo Tapia was held.

On the occasion, the presence of didactics in the initial training of teachers was explained, and how students can obtain some learning related to the discipline. To do this, some data was shown to know the context of how it is developing and at what point in the training it is present.

didactic table2“Didactic training, taking as a reference the average of the subjects in each degree, covers 10,2% in general. In careers that have only three specific methodology or didactics subjects, the percentage drops substantially. Regarding location, they are usually between the third and eighth semester,” said Dr. Tapia.

According to the results obtained in the diagnosis carried out at the FIAC during 2012 on the pedagogy careers, of 32 subject programs, the topics that appear most in each of them were identified with respect to the objectives mentioned. Thus, six large thematic cores were classified, related to the theoretical framework of didactics or methodology: the curriculum, learning planning, students and contexts, professional and ethical development, and a practical component; which made it possible to elucidate those basic elements of how didactics is being developed.

Then the participants met in three groups, working on the didactic training of teachers at the University of La Serena. From these reflections, three ideas were concluded, one referring to the fact that there is a double dimension of didactic training, related to the disciplinary component and applied didactics; another to the need for it to have a connection with practical elements and actions; and finally a greater link with research.

didactic table3“I think the instances of reflection are very good, as I pointed out in the meeting, teamwork always has better results. There are people at the table with a lot of experience and their contribution will be essential for the changes that are being carried out at the University. As it was a first table, I am sure that as we advance in the analysis of certain topics they will contribute positively to my area of ​​training,” said Professor Jacqueline Galleguillos.

In the next session, the conclusions obtained in the first table will be discussed and the pedagogical standards of the courses will be analyzed.

Source: PMI FIP ULS1501 Press



The activity took place in the city of Santiago and was organized by the PACE Program in conjunction with the Center for Improvement, Experimentation and Pedagogical Research (CPEIP).

Different actors from higher education institutions participated in the Seminar on Good Practices for the Detection of Pedagogical Vocations, with the purpose of publicizing the experiences obtained in the implementation of special access programs to pedagogies.

In this context, the executive coordinator of PACE ULS, Viviana Romero, and the coordinator of the “I want to be an Education Professional” (QSPE) program, Diego Contreras, attended the sessions held within the framework of the activity organized by the CPEIP.

The objective of the meeting was to align the work that PACE is doing, in terms of exploring early pedagogical interest in high school students, and coordinate it with what the access to pedagogy programs of the different institutions are doing, in this case with the “QSPE” Income Plan.

“For next year the most important challenges have to do with incorporating the PACE establishments into the 'QSPE' program and hopefully having students selected from this plan, who prepare in third and fourth year with activities in the area of ​​Language, Mathematics and Psychosocial, and that they can enter higher education institutions through this special quota,” explained the PACE ULS coordinator.

In this way, reflection was made on the identification of good practices from the systematization and analysis of exploration experiences and pedagogical vocational support of some institutions linked to PACE and special preparation and access programs.

The sharing of conceptual elements that help to prefigure a theoretical framework of reference for the actions undertaken by the institutions, after the exploration and pedagogical vocational accompaniment, was also analyzed. Likewise, it was proposed to design proposals for exploration and pedagogical vocational support that serve the projection of this work with a view to the 2018 implementation, based on the good practices identified.

“The seminar contributed in that we could see other experiences of admission plans, which have some activities that can be replicated in our University, both in the work that is carried out with the different educational units of the Coquimbo Region, but mainly the way in which we work with the participating students and their families, since powerful work was shown with the students' families,” said Diego Contreras.

Source: PMI FIP ULS1501 Press - PACE ULS


journalism students

The students will carry out their internships in study houses in Spain and Mexico.

The 4th year students of the ULS Journalism program, Tamara Barrales and Elizabeth Laflor, received excellent news when they found out that they benefited from obtaining a scholarship for undergraduate students to study a semester abroad. Both applied for different calls offered by the University of La Serena within the student mobility agreements it has with study houses around the world.

On the one hand, Barrales obtained the “Santander Ibero-America Scholarship for Undergraduate Students”, which includes the countries of Brazil, Argentina, Spain, among others. And on the other hand, Laflor was awarded one of the “Pacific Alliance Scholarships”, which has Colombia, Peru and Mexico as member countries.

From the School Management they were very satisfied with the fact that the students are taking advantage of these instances of student exchange. “It is undoubtedly a very big incentive and stimulus for the rest of their colleagues because it opens up a world of possibilities for new networks that they did not have before, and that are difficult to obtain in the local environment. In addition to knowing meeting points where Social Sciences and Journalism are seen and how we agree and differ in some things with other countries and that will be, for the students themselves, a tremendous life experience and that will undoubtedly mark a before and after,” indicated the Director of ULS Journalism, Mg. Cristian Muñoz.

The academic added that "for our School of Journalism it is another instance of connection with the environment, this time international, which without a doubt is charting a path that can lead us to other types of participation with these universities."

“It is a very significant achievement not only for my life as a student, but for me as a person. Despite all the anxiety and fear that the scholarship brings with it, the expectations I have are greater because I am clearer about the contribution that this will be to my work and personal life,” said Tamara Barrales, who chose the University of Valencia, in Spain, to take a semester starting in August of next year. She added that she hopes to be “a great contribution in knowledge for those who plan to do the same,” referring to colleagues in Journalism or any career who would like to apply for this student exchange in the future.

“I feel very happy, but at the same time I am very uncertain, everything is unknown and I think that feeling will increase. I must admit that I cried with emotion, because they postponed the publication of results many times and I was already getting discouraged, I was more prepared for bad news than good. But the message came when I was least attentive,” said Elizabeth Laflor regarding the results of her application to the University of Monterrey, located in the State of Nueva León, Mexico, where she will study a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations. “Personally, it is a challenge, I know that I will grow even more as an independent woman and as a professional. I have already lived alone, but always with the support of my parents and close to my family, this time we will be thousands of kilometers away. I think that an internship, without a doubt, is a plus,” the student concluded.

Both thanked the School of Journalism at the state campus for the support during the application process, both the Director and the academics who helped with the letters of recommendation that must be presented when applying, in addition to dedicating this achievement to their families. who have been, according to them, a fundamental pillar and the happiest with these results.

Source: School of Journalism



The traditional end-of-year activity was held in the premises of the ULS Headquarters.

University authorities, directors, academics and officials of the University of La Serena participated in the traditional Christmas Mass, organized by the University Pastoral of the ULS.

The liturgical act was presided over by the Rp Jorge Marín Pérez, Vicar of the University Pastoral.

The mass was held this Wednesday, December 20, in the premises of the Central House of the University of La Serena.