They certify academics who participated in the courses to strengthen teaching skills

certification course 1

A total of 188 academics from the institution attended the 22 UMD Courses/Workshops.

In the Alejandro Covarrubias Room of the Central House and within the framework of the thirty-fourth institutional anniversary, the delivery of certificates to the academics who participated in the Teaching Skills Strengthening Courses, led by the Teaching Improvement Unit (UMD), took place. , attached to the Teaching Directorate of the University of La Serena.

During 2014, the UMD held 22 Courses/Workshops to Strengthen Teaching Skills, which were organized into four general areas: Basic Competences Leveling Courses, Information Technology Courses for Learning, Methodological Strategies Courses, and Curriculum Renewal ). The participating academics were 188, many of whom attended more than one course/workshop.

certification course 2On the occasion, the Director of Teaching, Mg. Laura Vega, indicated that the University's Educational Model, "establishes that the institution must have strategies and plan academic actions that offer opportunities to equitably address the diversity of characteristics of our students, as well as strengthen the development of teaching, through "habilitation and permanent improvement, optimization of teaching practice, commitment to learning results and systematic reflection to generate and transfer knowledge." In this sense, she emphasized that ULS teachers have been flexible to advances and that this is essential "if we are part of a University, a place where the great changes that impact society occur." 

Likewise, the Director of Teaching congratulated the academics “for the commitment you have, not only with our institution, but also with yourselves as professionals who work in a higher education institution, this is reflected in your participation in the courses".

For her part, the head of the UMD, Dr. Pamela Labra, along with thanking the professors for the trust they have placed in the unit, indicated that the University considers it relevant to offer the necessary support for the work carried out by the professors and that “within of the areas of the unit, the Teacher Development Area, proposes specific purposes that are related to being able to accompany and provide some tools so that teachers can develop this work, strengthen teaching skills, but also form teams of academics. 

certification course 3The professional also maintained that the UMD is a space created by the University for the promotion of academic dialogue. “For us, it is vital to promote dialogue that allows academics to analyze the challenges or problems that we experience in the classroom, an analysis that is aimed at seeking proposals and solutions that help us guide the learning processes of future students.” professionals who trust the University; and in that process we are generating knowledge, and how relevant that the knowledge that you are generating every day is shared, so that others can learn.”

During the ceremony, the respective certificates were presented to the teachers and the participation and perseverance of academics from the four faculties were rewarded.   

The academic vice-rector, Dr. Jorge Catalán, university authorities, directors and academics of the house of higher education were present at the activity.

See photo gallery of the activity