Researchers from 8 countries address inclusion in life and school in a book by Editorial U. de La Serena

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The text seeks to be a contribution to education, teachers and families and incorporates various perspectives in this regard, such as poverty, indigenous people, gender, mirror neurons, textbooks and many more. 

Researchers from Israel, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and Chile participate in the book ''Inclusion in life and school: pedagogy with a human sense'', the new publication of Editorial Universidad de La Serena, a work that It brings together 20 chapters on this topic and was compiled by the academic from the ULS Department of Education, Dr. Silvia López de Maturana.

The text was prefaced by a world leader in psychology and education, the Romanian Dr. Reuven Feuerstein, who states that ''reading this book, knowing the level of experience, knowledge and commitment of its authors, has made me reflect. about the impact of the Mediated Learning Experience (MEL) to which they refer and demonstrate in several of their chapters. There is a clear stance in favor of the need for inclusion and provides deep reflection on how to create a beneficial experience for those who need it most.''

investigators book 2In 398 pages, the 21 participating researchers (9 Chilean, 3 Argentine, 3 Spanish, 2 Colombian, 1 Belgian, 1 Israeli, 1 Portuguese and 1 Brazilian) address inclusion in life and school from the most varied perspectives, such as poverty, indigenous people, gender, mirror neurons, the classroom itself, the family, children with Down Syndrome, mediation, cognitive modifiability and brain plasticity, textbooks, dynamic assessment of learning potential and more.

During the presentation, which was attended by university authorities, academics, some of the authors, professors, students and the general public, the manager of the Universidad de La Serena Publishing House, Alejandro Abufom, mentioned that an important part of the work of a house of studies is to disseminate the knowledge that is generated within. ''The challenge is how do those of us at the University get the knowledge to the base, so that it does not remain among the specialists,'' he said, adding that this implies looking for physical media (such as magazines and books) and simple language. . For this reason, he appreciated that this text has been written “in a completely accessible language (…). "It is inclusive, not exclusive or exclusive, everyone will be able to read it," he said.

Lucia Álvarez, Cecilia Assael, Andrea Calderón, Carlos Calvo, Rafael Feuerstein, Sonia Fuentes, Georgina García, Jorge Hirsch, Eliana Jorquera, María Teresa Juliá, Mirta Kuperman, Joseph Lebeer, Silvia López de Maturana, Miguel López Melero, Sergio Manosalva, Gabriela Marino, Jaume Martínez, Ofelia Roldán, Pedro Rosario, Lorenzo Tébar and Alexander Yarza are the authors of the book.

Dr. Ofelia Roldán, director of the International Center for Education and Human Development (CINDE, Medellín, Colombia), researcher in social sciences, childhood and youth at the University of Manizales (Colombia) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) was one of the presenters.

The author expressed herself to be very satisfied with the work carried out, indicating that "it is very beautiful because in it, in addition to the experience of the work of 21 researchers, all the heart and soul is also put into writing about what calls us together, that moves us and we want it to reach each of the spaces in Chile, Latin America and other places, where there are so many boys, girls, young people and people who, in some way, are excluded, for many reasons, among them for one education that is sometimes designed for certain types of people and not in general for all human beings.

Likewise, he declared that this effort contributes conceptually and methodologically, which is why he hopes that it ''contributes to the change in educational and support practices. Processes must be facilitated and paths not indicated. Educational processes have to be much more oriented towards building trust,'' which for the researcher is achieved by recognizing oneself and knowing that there will always be people with whom to interact.

Meanwhile, the compiler and editor, Dr. Silvia López de Maturana, stated that ''this book is an ethical, political, social, cultural and pedagogical proposal. Because it is written to be read by those who are in the schools, at the grassroots, where pedagogy and education are really done.''

The academic from the University of La Serena explained that the idea for this work came from an inclusion conference held in Argentina, where many of the authors participated. This meeting was so successful with the public that it also impacted them, thus motivating them with the idea of ​​writing a book.

''We are all diverse, someone who only has a different face or a different movement or something that makes them different does not have a special educational need,'' added Dr. López de Maturana, for whom The goal is to be able to change the stale, schooling practices that are in schools and that do not allow boys and girls to really demonstrate what they know. (…) The risk of continuing to treat our students as we are doing until now is to absolutely naturalize inclusion, take away their spaces, atrophy their wings.''