Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences welcomes its new students

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Managers, academics and students belonging to all majors of the macro-unit participated in the traditional meeting that was attended by guest speaker Juan Francisco García Mac-Vicar.

In the Pentagon Room of the Andrés Bello Campus, the reception activity was held, organized by the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (FACSE) of the ULS, for the young people who joined each of their majors this year.

This year, more than 300 students entered the courses of Auditing, Law, Journalism, Pedagogy in History and Geography, Commercial Engineering and Engineering in Business Administration, who were received by the academic vice-rector of the ULS, Dr. Jorge Catalán Ahumada, representing the Rector Dr. Nibaldo Avilés.

The dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Mg. Jorge Fernández Labra, delivered a message to the students, sharing his satisfaction for having chosen a quality state institution, such as the University of La Serena, and especially for having integrated into the careers taught by FACSE.

During his presentation, the dean reflected on the changes that humanity has had to face in the so-called Knowledge Society, which is characterized because the pace of knowledge creation has accelerated as has never been seen before in the history of the humanity. This acceleration forces a new way of developing teaching-learning processes where both the teacher and the student must acquire a new attitude.

facse receives 2''First to learn to learn autonomously, and then apply this technique throughout your entire university life, and why not say it, throughout your entire professional life. We want to develop in our students soft, soft or transversal skills, which are becoming more relevant every day in university education, including entrepreneurial attitude, teamwork, leadership and the ability to work under pressure, among others.'' said the dean

The reception activity continued with the presentation of the commercial engineer, Juan Francisco García Mac Vicar, former Seremi of Agriculture and former Governor of the Province of Elqui, who graduated from the Commercial Engineering degree at the University of La Serena.

García Mac - Vicar has developed an interesting career since his graduation that has led him to hold important positions in both the public and private sectors, being recently appointed executive secretary of the Northern Agricultural Society, a trade association with more than 107 years of experience. history in northern Chile. 

During the presentation ''Leadership of Change'', the speaker shared his experience as a ULS student, a career leader and an active participant in different academic activities, highlighting the fact that it is necessary for young people to have convictions, participate in university life and are capable of creating new instances that favor their training and abilities. In this way he will be better qualified to enter the world of work and be a generator of change in society.

The activity, which was part of the celebration of the XXXIII institutional anniversary, concluded with the delivery of a gift by the dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences to the guest, to later share a moment of camaraderie.