Law School provides advice to the Judicial Branch of the Province of San Juan

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This work, which is part of the implementation of a new criminal procedural system in the trans-Andean province, is part of a mutual collaboration alliance with the University of La Serena, as part of its work on Linking with the Environment. This theoretical-practical advice has the support of the Prosecutor's Office and the Regional Defender's Office.

A delegation made up of judges, official defenders, chief prosecutors, coordinating prosecutors, general supervisors, directors of hearing management offices and court secretaries, all of them belonging to the Judicial Branch of the Province of San Juan, Argentina, are receiving these days a theoretical-practical consultancy at the University of La Serena, an institution that through its Law career, attached to the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, has generated an alliance of mutual collaboration with the Judiciary of San Juan, territory where a new criminal procedural system is in the process of being implemented.

sanjuan2 lawyersThis advice arises from the interest of the Judicial Branch of the trans-Andean province to know the Chilean experience, because in San Juan a new accusatory and oral criminal process is underway, within which it is imperative to know the experience that in In 2000 it was implemented on a pilot basis in the Coquimbo Region.

“The objective of this alliance is that the members of the Judiciary of San Juan in Argentina, at the end of the course, are able to know, understand, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate within their respective areas of professional and work performance, the orality as a modality of work and as a formative principle of the criminal process,” explained the Director of the Law degree at the University of La Serena, Germán Solís.
Likewise, with this advice, it is sought that the members of the Judiciary of San Juan are able to use in the hearings of the respective criminal process the principles of immediacy, speed and simplicity in their tasks as operators of the system; determine the theory of the case at the presentation hearing, according to their various roles; identify relevant, useful and duly justified evidence and apply in the final hearing the dynamics of orality as a modality of work in a criminal process, according to the assigned roles and the functions to be carried out.

sanjuan3 lawyersAmong the first activities carried out by the trans-Andean delegation in La Serena, a protocol visit was made to the Rector of the ULS, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, who on the occasion welcomed, expressing that “we are very happy to be able to deliver, through our Law degree, advice so that a sister province like San Juan can carry out a project as important as the modernization of its judicial processes.”

For her part, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Dr. Luperfina Rojas, emphasized that “as the University of La Serena we are making a strategic agreement to support the Judiciary of San Juan in Argentina in the process of implementing the reform in that province. This advice allows us to work together, by the month of March sign an agreement that will allow us to project this alliance permanently.”

Dean Rojas added that “this work in a medium and long-term horizon allows us mutual collaboration, where we see the academic work and the work of our and Argentina's Judiciary enhanced,” she pointed out.

The activity had the support and active participation of the Regional Prosecutor's Office, represented by the Regional Prosecutor, Adrián Vega, and the Public Criminal Defender's Office, represented by the Regional Defender, Inés Lorena Rojas.

sanjuan3 lawyersJudiciary of San Juan

For Fabrizio Medeci, Chief Prosecutor of the Flagrancy Office of the Province of San Juan in Argentina, “it is an honor to come here, we are in the middle of the transition process, from a mixed process to an adversarial system, we believe that it is a correct decision, and since in this region you are pioneers in an adversarial system, your experience will be very valuable for us. We come here to learn and to be given and given everything that is necessary to reach a successful conclusion on our part.”

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Court of San Juan, Javier Vera, thanked the authorities, emphasizing that “we feel honored to receive the experience of more than 15 years of work on the adversarial system that they have in Chile and to bring together the work of the judicial powers together with the University to start working, it is very important.”

Among the activities carried out by the delegation was also a protocol visit to the Mayor of the Coquimbo Region, Claudio Ibáñez, and a visit and participation in a hearing in the Guarantee Courts.