U. de La Serena and Mutual de Seguridad seek to raise awareness about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol


This alliance materialized with the creation of a simulator that toured different university campuses, where people could experience what it means to drive while intoxicated.

In order to raise awareness among officials, academics and students of the University of La Serena, the Mutual de Seguridad CChC enabled its Security Culture Center on the Andrés Bello and Ignacio Domeyko campuses this Tuesday, April 24. Vial Móvil, which educates people through its virtual reality safe driving simulators, allowing them to experience, for example, the state of walking and driving under the influence of alcohol.

The activity, which is part of the working alliance that the ULS currently maintains with the Mutual de Seguridad, had the objective of highlighting the serious danger involved in people traveling, whether as drivers or pedestrians, after having ingested some alcoholic drink.

driving 2The Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, referred to the importance of carrying out this type of initiatives within the university, which allow people to be educated about care when consuming alcohol. . “It is vital to be able to raise awareness and those who participate can transmit it to their peers, to inform the risks and dangers involved in driving under the influence of alcohol,” he said.

For his part, the Client Manager IV Region of Mutual de Seguridad, Mg. Arturo Díaz highlighted how important it is for the institution to be able to carry out these spaces to raise awareness about situations such as driving while intoxicated. “The reception of this activity by the public and the authorities has been quite positive, which allows us to better inform people about the risk involved in making bad decisions such as driving under the influence of alcohol,” he said.

Finally, the Director of Human Resources of the ULS, Dr. Héctor Bugueño, referred to the importance for the University of having instances like these for the community. “This initiative is one more of those we have together with Mutual de Seguridad, which are for the full benefit of the university community, not only academics and officials, but also students. If we really want to improve the quality of life of our community, we must be able to provide them with information spaces like this one,” he said.