U. de La Serena receives public session of the Chilean Academy of Language


The session included the participation of two important members of the Academy, Drs. Alfredo Matus and José Luis Samaniego, who also met with the Rector of the state campus, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés.

In the Alejandro Covarrubias Hall, located in the Central House of the University of La Serena, a public session of the Chilean Academy of Language was held, on the occasion of the thirty-seventh anniversary of the house of higher education.

session2The session was attended by two important members of the Academy, its Director, Dr. Alfredo Matus, and the Secretary, Dr. José Luis Samaniego. In addition, the Academic Vice-Rector of the ULS, Dr. Jorge Catalán, academics and students of the institution were present.

In the first instance, the Director of the Department of Arts and Letters of the ULS and corresponding academic in La Serena, Dr. Cristian Noemi, presented his book “Perspectives on meaning. From the biological to the social.” Subsequently, Dr. Matus made his presentation “The Chilean and Pan-Hispanic phraseological dictionaries”, which was applauded by the audience present.

session3Meeting with Rector

Previously, Drs. Matus and Samaniego held a meeting with the Rector, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, who was accompanied by Dr. Jorge Catalán and Dr. Cristian Noemi.

On the occasion, the Rector of the house of studies valued the presence of such outstanding exponents and noted that "he hopes that it will be the first of many visits, since it would be very important to be able to carry out other joint activities with the Chilean Academy of Language, whose session we are honored to receive.”

While Dr. Alfredo Matus, on behalf of the Academy, thanked the institution for its kindness in receiving the public session, highlighting that “the Chilean Academy is at the service of the University of La Serena.”