Association of Academics ULS AF and the Association of Academics, Engineers and Related Professionals AG meet with Rector regarding the reclassification project

associations meeting

The objective of the meeting, requested by both organizations, was to learn about the progress of this initiative that has been worked on jointly at the union and institutional level.

The Association of Academics University of La Serena AF and the Association of Academics, Engineers and Related Professionals AG met with the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, to consult progress of the work that has been developed to prepare the proposal of reclassification, whose objective is to transfer to the plant part-time and full-time academics who have worked under contract for an extended period.

The proposal seeks to ensure direct teaching, proposing a process that considers the academic seniority of teaching at the University, the academic degree and the contribution to institutional development.

association meeting2In this regard, the Rector pointed out that this project, whose initiative comes from both associations, today forms part of the institution's unavoidable commitments since it constitutes one of the tasks contained in the Strategic Plan for Institutional Development (PED). “This project, after having the support of the higher authority, both associations have made previous presentations of it, also achieving the favorable opinion of the Academic Council and the Board of Directors, in the sense of innovating and presenting it formally in an institutional manner. Regarding some guidelines of this initiative, these were explained in a talk organized in the month of January of this year," said the Rector, who pointed out that today the project is in a position to present before the Academic Council of the month of May, in ordinary or extraordinary session.

On the occasion, the President of the ULS AF Academic Association, Luis Palma, expressed his concern about the fact that some department directors did not want to be attached to said project, even if it was approved, as happened at some point with the teaching day that rejected the Department of Mathematics. In this regard, the Rector pointed out that, knowing the foundations of the project, the benefits that it would entail for the people and the institution itself, there will undoubtedly be consensus on executing said project.

Likewise, the authority, along with reiterating that this project is a committed task in the PED, expressed that “this project is a legitimate aspiration of academics, and if nothing is done, it means that people could continue with the same appointment, which Over the years, it could mean retiring in that condition. However, the above does not represent certain stability and at the same time the University would not have a more favorable scenario regarding the academic staff.”

For his part, the President of the Association of Academics, Engineers and Related Professionals AG, Domingo Vega, asked about the deadlines and who would be able to benefit from said procedure. In this sense, Rector Avilés responded that "if the endorsements and approval of the collegiate bodies are received in the month of May, between June and July we would have to define the lists so that the Board of Directors, in the same month of July, orders the restructuring for reclassification and sent to the Regional Comptroller's Office. And regarding who would have access, the idea would be to occupy all the available floors by 2016, dividing them into half days if necessary, so that at least half a day can be owned, and which is coincident with what both associations proposed at the beginning of the project." .

Meanwhile, the Director of the ULS AF Academic Association, Miguel Ramos, asked what will happen to those academics who are not incorporated into this project. The Rector reported that "this aims to obtain proprietary appointments without competition, therefore, the worst that could happen is that they continue to be appointed under the same contractual conditions, waiting for a second process not yet defined."

Finally, the Rector pointed out that “for the University this project is also highly convenient, since the institution will be able to incorporate them into the performance evaluation, it will have more people who assume management positions, it will be able to agree on formal improvement programs with them, it will be able to require them to be trained in public regulations and university teaching, demand the number of teaching hours and their participation in accreditation processes. That is to say, the indicators would clearly be improved.”

To this, the higher authority added that “the investigation will not be required under this appointment, with the objective of ensuring the work they have done until now, but must comply with the requirements indicated above. In the case of researchers and professors of new careers, a complementary formula will be proposed that also gives them the possibility of stability and access to property,” concluded Rector Avilés.