ULS Pedagogies present curricular renewal for all 2019 study plans


The work is part of the Institutional Improvement and Implementation Plan projects of the school, which seek to strengthen the initial training of teachers.

One of the actions implemented by the University of La Serena, through the recent creation of the Integrated Management Unit of Pedagogies (UGIP), is to curricularly renew the study plans of all the careers in charge of teacher training. This, in response to the current demands imposed by the school and educational system in general, in terms of the curriculum and the new social, ethical and political needs of quality and equal education.

In this context, on July 18 and 20, the new proposal that entails the curricular renewal of the eleven pedagogy courses taught by the university was presented to the Academic Council and Board of Directors of the ULS respectively, resulting in the unanimous approval by the collegiate bodies.

renovation2This achievement is the result of hard work carried out since 2016 by the Pedagogies curricular renewal team made up of the Directors and Coordinators of said careers and constituted within the framework of the commitments made in the Institutional Improvement Plan -PMI FIP ULS1501- regarding Curriculum Redesign. This team, with the support of the Project Management and Coordination, in addition to the Teaching Improvement Unit (UMD), focused on rethinking and renewing the current curriculum of the careers, considering a common vision and embracing the essential guidelines for the training of a ULS professor.

“The renewed plans respond to a very particular moment that we are experiencing in our country, due to the important social and educational demands that are presented to us, to which the University, through the Institutional Improvement Plan for Pedagogy, has to attend and respond. to what the educational system and mainly the school system is demanding of us. Our programs must be articulated with the school curriculum, in terms of its demands, problems and projections because ultimately the work of pedagogy careers is a function of its teaching,” emphasized the academic coordinator of the UGIP, Dr. Sandra. Alvarez.

renovation3That is why the renewed plan will address themes that cut across all pedagogies, promoting the personal, social and academic development of future teachers; An example of this is the presence in the curricula of subjects that address gender equality, citizen education, the use of new information technologies, reading comprehension, among others.

“This also means that institutionally we must promote the culture of continuous improvement, which allows us to monitor the implementation processes of this renewed curriculum, which implies a great challenge, especially in how we will communicate with the school system to receive permanent feedback. For this reason, we have to think about a different way of linking School-University, which allows us to have real information about what is happening in the school system, thereby integrating all the key actors in it and encouraging a much more collaborative participation. and explicit,” added the coordinator.

renovation4For its part, the UGIP, led by Dr. Fabián Araya, will have a fundamental role in the development of the next actions, which will be focused on the implementation of the recently approved curricular plan, which will involve promoting disciplinary and pedagogical updating. of academics, a rethinking of the infrastructure conditions and pedagogical spaces, in addition to strengthening the link with educational communities, all of which must be in accordance with the new proposal for curricular renewal that will be launched in 2019.

Source: PMI FIP ULS1501