Higher Education Institutions meet on the XNUMXrd day of the State University Network for Initial Pedagogical Training


The event took place at the University of Atacama, Copiapó, on August 16 and 17.

Different topics related to teacher training were addressed at the III Conference of the State University Network for Initial Pedagogical Training, RUEFIP, an opportunity that included the participation of the coordinator of the UNESCO Technical Secretariat for Regional Teacher Strategy, Carlos Beca. ; the representative of the Center for Improvement, Experimentation and Pedagogical Research (CPEIP), Magdalena Fernández, and the coordinator of the Continuing Education Network of the Consortium of Universities of the State of Chile, Pablo González.

“As a Network of teachers we are preparing guidelines, criteria, forms on how to address quality teacher training systems at the national level. What we are going to do now is to articulate ourselves with the undergraduate network through the quality network, in such a way that we can both develop different elements and be able to have only one product that gives us the identity of State universities," he explained in on the occasion the National Coordinator of the RUEFIP network, Dr. Roberto Canales.

The day included the participation of fifteen state universities of the RUEFIP, which worked in workshops focused on the three objectives set by the Network: Quality Assurance, Pedagogical Research and Generation of principles oriented for an Initial Diagnostic Evaluation for the FID.

In this context, and representing the University of La Serena, Dr. Fabián Araya, alternate executive director of the PMI FIP ULS1501 and the Integrated Management Unit of Pedagogies (UGIP) participated; Dr. Sandra Álvarez, academic coordinator, and the researcher Dr. Rodrigo Ruay.

“The role that the team assumed in the RUEFIP Conference was to participate in the work tables, whose topics responded to the three objectives set by this Network. Likewise, the team's participation was based on disseminating central aspects of our PMI, its progress and challenges,” explained the academic coordinator.

Among the conclusions obtained in the conference, it was agreed to continue with the Network work, socializing the tensions and challenges that each higher education institution presents in terms of teacher training.

The next meeting will take place at the University of Chile during the month of November, an opportunity in which the progress of each house of study regarding the three objectives set by the Network will be analyzed.

It should be remembered that there are sixteen state universities that make up the RUEFIP network, among which are the University of Atacama, the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences, the University of La Frontera, the University of Santiago de Chile, the University of Playa Ancha, the University of La Serena, the University of Antofagasta, the Arturo Prat University, the University of Chile, the University of Los Lagos, the University of Magallanes, the University of Valparaíso, the University of Talca, the University of Tarapacá, the University of Bío-Bío and the University of O'Higgins.

Source: Integrated Pedagogy Management Unit (UGIP) | PMI FIP ULS1501 - CM ULS 1755