Students are invited to participate in a microvideo contest on the prevention of sexual harassment and gender violence

bullying prevention contest

The initiative is part of the commemoration of the International Day for Non-Violence against Women.

The CRUCH Gender Equality Commission and the University of La Serena invite the student community to participate in the "Microvideos on the prevention of sexual harassment and gender violence" contest.

The initiative is part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women or International Day of Non-Violence against Women, which is commemorated every November 25 to denounce the violence that is exerted on women throughout the world and demand policies in all countries for its eradication. That is why the CRUCH Gender Equality Commission has invited all universities to become part of this instance through a contest aimed at students.

The objectives of this contest are to promote reflection on sexual harassment and gender violence as serious violations of human rights, motivate students to problematize the reality of sexual harassment and gender violence in a creative way through audiovisual resources, and express absolute rejection of behaviors of sexual harassment and gender violence.

Regular students of the University of La Serena can participate. The projects can be individual or group (maximum 3 students), and each participating student or group can submit a microvideo made on any digital device. Students who participate as members of a group may not submit other work individually or join other groups.

The microvideos cannot exceed 2 minutes in length and must be sent to the mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., placing in Subject: Microvideo Contest.

The delivery period ends on October 5.

There will be prizes and the winning video will be broadcast nationwide on the CRUCH Network.