Historic application to the FONDECYT 2019 Postdoctoral contest

central House

The University of La Serena has become a scientific pole in the north of Chile and this has generated a massive interest of young scientists in carrying out research at the University. A reflection of this fact is the historic number of applications that were sponsored for the 2019 Postdoctoral Competition.

The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) is the main source of financing for basic research in Chile. Every year a call is made that seeks to finance young doctors so that they carry out projects with a view to their employment in the academic field or another, through their incorporation into consolidated research groups that will contribute to their scientific development and that, in their time, they will be strengthened by your participation. In this way, this contest seeks to stimulate the productivity and scientific leadership of young researchers.

It should be noted that this contest exclusively finances scientific or technological research initiatives that lead to new knowledge or applications and with a duration of 2 or 3 years, where the responsible researcher must have exclusive dedication to the research work.

“This year, the University of La Serena sponsored 17 applications for the 2019 Postdoctoral contest. If we consider that last year the University sponsored only 4 applications, this year's figure represents a historic milestone for the University and is, without a doubt, a reflection of the level of excellence that scientific research has reached at ULS. In addition, last year the University achieved a 50% award in this contest, so we hope that this year's massive application translates into a considerable percentage of awards”, said the Vice Chancellor for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Eduardo Notte.

Specifically, the University has four doctoral programs accredited by the National Accreditation Commission CNA: Doctorate in Astronomy, Doctorate in Biological Sciences mentioning Arid Zones, Doctorate in Biology and Applied Ecology and Doctorate in Food and Bioprocess Engineering, in addition to the fifth program, Doctorate in Energy, Water and Environment, which in March 2019 will send the background information to the CNA for accreditation. “For the institution, generating and maintaining these doctoral programs has been a great achievement. Without a doubt, their contribution to the effective strengthening of research groups within the institution is evident,” Notte added.

The application for the contest this year was distributed in the area of ​​Astronomy, where there is the largest number of applicants, eight in total: Food Engineering, Biology and Energy, with two applications for each area; and finally Arts and Letters, Kinesiology and Physics, with one application for each area.