PACE ULS participates in vocational fairs of educational establishments in the region

peace fairs

The fairs have been held in the communes of Punitaqui and Combarbalá.

The Program for Accompaniment and Access to Higher Education (PACE) of the University of La Serena participated in the vocational fairs organized by the educational establishments accompanied by the PACE ULS Program: Liceo Alberto Gallardo Lorca in Punitaqui and Liceo Samuel Román Rojas in Combarbalá.

pace2 fairsThe purpose of the activities is to provide information about the careers taught by the higher education institution, as well as about the program and its objectives to the educational community.

For the PACE coordinator of the Samuel Román Rojas High School, Ángel Vega, “it was an excellent instance in which our students were able to learn about different careers and areas in depth at each stand prepared by the higher education institutions that participated. It was also an excellent opportunity for our entire educational community to learn about the PACE Program in a more direct way. “I think the activity was a complete success.”

The objective of the vocational fairs was to inform students about the study options offered by HEIs, careers, professional profiles, labor market, career projection, postgraduate courses and study plans, among others. In this regard, the PACE coordinator of the Alberto Gallardo Lorca High School in Punitaqui, Alejandro Oses, expressed: “I believe that the objective of the activity was met, since the students were able to see different paths that they can choose when leaving school. secondary education, from the Armed Forces to studying in a Technical Training Center or to the university.”

pace3 fairsThe PACE ULS Program participated in this activity with a workshop on careers and benefits led by the Program's social worker, Ricardo Carmona, who provided information about scholarships and benefits, in addition to talking about university life. “I think the effort made by the directors of each educational establishment is valuable, since it is complex for the different HEIs to reach places far from the large cities of our region, the main benefit being for students to receive valuable information for their future. In my case, I provided information about the benefits that students can access, through FUAS and the updating of the Social Registry of Households, and answered their questions regarding financing, differences between studying at a university and a Technical Training Center, among other doubts that arose in the talk,” he said.

Source: Press PACE ULS Program