Vice-rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs organizes coaching for academic and non-academic officials


The activity, organized through the Human Resources Department, was carried out in the town of El Molle with significant participation.

A day of work and reflection was organized by the Vice-Rector's Office for Economic and Administrative Affairs, through the Human Resources Directorate, aimed at academic and non-academic officials.

The activity, called “Designing new challenges, caused construction of the personal future”, was developed in the town of El Molle, Elqui Valley, with the objective of allowing, through a coaching methodology, the construction of a meeting space and reflection, within the framework of the preparation process of those who are thinking about making decisions that can become a link towards a new perspective on life, both personally and professionally, and in this way, provoke opportunities for the generation of sources of personal inspiration that mobilize towards achieving new and important challenges.

The work program of the day, which lasted an entire day, included presentations by a specialist in the subject and recreational dynamics that allowed attendees to imagine how they would like their future to be planned, “The best way to predict the future is by creating it”, Peter Druker.

“We are a group invited to reflect, to take a break from our daily lives to rethink life,” said the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, who was in charge of opening the activity along with other authorities. of the institution.

For her part, the Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Alejandra Torrejón, stated that “it is a special moment in life, we want to contribute at this stage of their lives with this activity, motivate them to think and dream about how they see their future, accompanied by the Institution that has welcomed them for so many years.”

The Director of Human Resources, Dr. Héctor Bugueño, explained that all academic and non-academic officials who are thinking about making the decision to retire and who meet the requirements within the framework of the Retirement Incentive Law were invited. In this context he said “officials who are registered within the framework of this Law joined.”