Academic attends meetings that brought together scholars of the Medieval World

medieval world

Dr. Amelia Herrera participated in the XXII Medieval Conference held at the Institute of History of the PUCV and the V International Symposium of Medieval Studies of the U. Gabriela Mistral.

The academic from the Department of Social Sciences of the University of La Serena, Dr. Amelia Herrera Lavanchy, participated in two meetings that brought together scholars of the Medieval World from different disciplines.

medieval world2In the month of November, the academic participated in the XXII Medieval Conference held at the Institute of History of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, in which she gave the presentation titled: “Sulpicio Severo: hagiographer and chronicler.” Furthermore, within the framework of these conferences, he was responsible for presenting the book “Essays on the Medieval World”, a work that includes various articles written by Professor Héctor Herrera Cajas, which were edited by Professor Leonardo Carrera, and published by the PUCV in his 90 years.

Professor Herrera also participated in a meeting of the members of the Chilean Society of Medieval Studies, of which she is treasurer, which took place after the closing of the Medieval Days in Valparaíso.

On the other hand, during the month of October, the academic from the state campus attended the V International Symposium of Medieval Studies organized by the Gabriela Mistral University in Santiago, an occasion in which she was able to share with other specialists from Chile, Brazil, Argentina, France and Spain, and participate in a Digital Medievalism workshop.

In this symposium, the ULS academic presented the paper “History and Hagiography in Early Medieval Gaul.”