Students with motor disabilities and Asperger Syndrome participate in a talk

motor disability

The objective of the event promoted by the ULS 1799 Comprehensive Support Project was to provide information on the characteristics and processes developed within the campus's Disability Support Program, and to publicize the experiences experienced by students with disabilities.

The motivational talk called “The experiences experienced by students with disabilities at the ULS in their process of entering higher education,” was held in the facilities of the CADH Teaching Support Center, on the Isabel Bongard Campus, where students with disabilities participated. motor disability and with Asperger Syndrome, belonging to the “Comprehensive Support Plan for students of the University of La Serena within the framework of inclusion and universal accessibility”, ULS project 1799.

The event, aimed at students along with their parents and teachers from different schools in the La Serena commune, was led by professionals from the Comprehensive Support Plan and aimed to provide information on the characteristics and processes developed within the Education Support Program. Disability ULS, and to publicize the experiences of students with disabilities at different levels of basic and secondary education until entering university and maintaining it.

The talk made it possible to raise academic and life project expectations in the group of students, parents and teachers attending it, from the development of personal skills that promote their autonomy and independence to facilitate their entry, permanence and graduation from higher education. as their future work and social performance.

Attendees became aware of the experiences of personal improvement, resilience and perseverance narrated by the students of the Program and highlighted their strengths in their achievement of entering and remaining at the University despite the difficulties and changes that are being generated towards a culture more inclusive.