University of La Serena records historical figures regarding the number of trained officials during 2018

training figures

Even though it was a year that included a student mobilization, the records show a significant increase in compliance with the annual plan.

445 training sessions were carried out for officials of the University of La Serena through the SENCE Tax Franchise, as a result of the efforts of the Internal Training Coordination in conjunction with the Bipartite Training Committee.

training figures2This was reported by the president of the ULS Bipartite Training Committee, Pablo Sánchez, who specified that this coordination work between the two organizations of the institution, began its 2018 program with the preparation of a Training Needs Detection Study, which was applied to officials at the beginning of 2018. These results were the input to achieve an annual training plan, which was made up of 29 courses in different areas.

In addition, he pointed out that due to different situations and changes in the Academic Calendar, along with student mobilization, this program was 80% carried out, leaving only 20% remaining, which will be resumed as part of the 2019 Training Plan, in which is already being worked on and will be published in March.

Within the total number of trained officials, the units that stood out most in the number of trained participants were Dentistry, Casino and Department. of Maintenance.

training figures3Bipartite ULS Training Committee

It is an organization of the University of La Serena made up of 3 representatives of the institution and 3 representatives of the workers, who seek to promote the development of labor skills and the productivity of workers, along with the quality of processes and products.

The current committee, formed at the beginning of 2018, is made up of officials: Pablo Sánchez (president), Karina Núñez, Luis Carrasco, Patricia Astroza, Domingo Vega and Juan Madariaga.