They organize a meeting on job skills for people with disabilities

I find employability

Nearly 100 people interested in the topic participated in the activity.

The Meeting was held in the Pentagon Room of the ULS: “Work skills in people with disabilities: challenges in the training of professionals”, organized by the Comprehensive Support Plan for students in a framework of inclusion and universal accessibility - Project ULS1799 , coordinated by professionals in the area.

The objective of the activity was to dialogue with the university communities of the higher education institutions of the Coquimbo Region and regional authorities, regarding the development of work skills of students with disabilities at the university and their transition to life. labor.

find employability2Nearly 100 people attended the activity, including students, professionals from different University programs, academics, public and municipal officials, representatives of educational establishments and professionals from other higher education institutions. Representatives of programs from the communes of La Higuera, Ovalle and Río Hurtado were also present.

The meeting had as a speaker the academic from the University of Chile, Dr. Sandra Mella Díaz, an occupational therapist with a recognized career in Inclusion and Disability. Her presentation considered the implementation of Law 21.015, which encourages the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of work. In addition, she referred to the process of professional adaptation, which she considers the development of generic skills to adapt to the demands of the work environment.

The second part of the day included a workshop, through group work for the analysis of jobs, the characteristics and demands that they have and that people with disabilities will face at some point in their work careers.