Students from various countries opt for the ULS to carry out an academic semester

exchange students 2019 uls

The institution welcomed the young people with a series of induction activities into university life and knowledge of the city of La Serena.

Twenty students from Germany (11), Spain (7) and Mexico (2) joined the University of La Serena, who during an entire academic semester will develop and enhance their curriculum and life experiences to become professionals of excellence, accompanied by the seal of the only state university in the Coquimbo Region.

exchange students 2019 uls 2The extensive program was organized by the ULS, through its Office of International Relations, which as part of the work, developed induction talks, guided tours of university facilities and services, and a walking tour of the typical areas of the center of the city of La Serena.

Information, orientation and recreation are the concepts that define the program of activities that was organized to welcome exchange students who chose the University to study an academic semester in Chile.

In the context of the reception activities, the Academic Vice-Rector, Dr. Jorge Catalán, welcomed the students, expressing that “as a University we have prepared to receive them and we hope that this experience will be very rewarding for each of those who have visited us.” chosen to enrich your student experience, as well as our entire community.”

exchange students 2019 uls 3Within this reception, the important work carried out by the guide tutors, volunteer students of the University who participate in the Tutoring Program, aimed at sponsoring foreign students, stands out. “We have a significant number of students who have completed an academic semester at our institution, who managed to get to know it due to the development of international alliances with foreign universities. This work responds to the need to increase the link with society on the part of our campus, and also, promote student mobility within the framework of these collaborations to strengthen the quality and standards of the training process of our student programs through this type of actions,” explained the Director of International Relations, Mg. Jose Mora.
The work carried out by the International Relations Office has the support of different macro-units such as the Academic Vice-Rector's Office, through the Teaching Directorate, Academic Registry and the Library System, in addition to the General Directorate of Student Affairs through the departments of Student Welfare, Extracurricular Activities, and Physics and Sports.

Written by Paula Godoy, Rectoría Press