Vice-rector for Economic Affairs announces ministerial provisions on regulated tariffs

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The meeting brought together directors and heads of the units that participate in unified enrollment.

In order to work on all the ministerial provisions, with respect to regulated tariffs, the Vice-Rector's Office for Economic and Administrative Affairs called a meeting of the University's willing committee, to respond to the impact and scope of the regulated tariff in the financial health of the institutions assigned to free of charge.

On the occasion, where the Directorate of Strategic Development and Quality, the Directorate of Finance and all the units that participate in unified enrollment participated, it was reported how institutional costs can be a factor in the regulated tariff model defined by the MINEDUC, Likewise, various points of view regarding the institutional reality were analyzed with the greatest possible precision.

reu tariffs2This process, which seeks to understand how the Ministry of Education has arranged for higher education institutions to access institutional financing for free, and be governed by regulated values ​​of fees, basic registration fees and charges for degree or graduation.

The Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Alejandra Torrejón, expressed that “it is an issue of vital importance and we must understand it as a task that we must assume with the participation and coordination of all the units called to deliver information, since it is the only "A way to be able to take on these challenges, which are not minor, and which seek to reflect the reality of the institution and also provide solutions to the established requirements, within a reliable and participatory framework."

It should be noted that the Undersecretariat of Higher Education established technical bases contained in mechanisms for preparing career groups, the hypotheses, calculation criteria, methodologies and procedures according to which the regulated values ​​will be determined, with the purpose of working in a model for regulating these tariffs.

Written by Patricia Castro, DIDEC