English Pedagogy students received international certification


The Cambridge Assessment English certification highlights the optimal preparation that future professionals at the University of La Serena have.

As an added value to the degree, ULS English Pedagogy students qualify for the “Certificate in advanced English” Cambridge Assessment English, not only because it opens doors for them, but because it also positions them at an advantage over other professionals, since it categorizes them as future teachers at an advanced level to take classes in the classroom or function abroad with English speaking.

certification2This year, 18 students in the undergraduate program received this important international certification. The test, which is taken at the end of the eighth level of the degree, allows us to identify the degree of perfection with which they use the English language.

An important point is that the exam is free for students who opt for it, since it is the Faculty of Humanities itself that pays 100% of its value.

Valentina Reyes, a student in the last year of her degree, pointed out that this test is very important and that from the beginning of their teacher training, academics reported that it was essential to get certified, because it raises curricular expectations. “I feel proud of the performance achieved because it is one of the most important in Chile. There are many teachers who graduate and do not have this opportunity to take this test to be certified at this level, so being one of the few privileged ones is very important and quite gratifying,” said the young woman.

Written by Patricia Castro, DIDEC