Improvement works located in the Maintenance and Mobilization departments are inaugurated

mobilization inaugurated

The works were carried out as part of the institutional infrastructure modernization plan, associated with continuous quality improvement.

Within the framework of the strategic objective of modernizing infrastructure and management and information processes, the University of La Serena, through the Services Directorate, dependent on the Vice-Rector's Office for Economic and Administrative Affairs, inaugurated this week the paving and remodeling works of the departments of the Mobilization and Transportation, and Works and Maintenance departments.

inauguration mobilization2At the ceremony, the Director of Services, Mg. Marcos Sepúlveda, highlighted that "the authority, aware of the need to improve university spaces, has been carrying out various projects for several years, which include the improvement of the officials' dining room located on the Isabel Bongard Campus, the reconstruction of the dining room, bathrooms, dressing room and office for drivers of the Department of Mobilization and Transportation, the renovation of bathrooms for officials of the Enrique Molina Garmendia Campus Casino, the renovation of the bathrooms for the officials of the Andrés Bello Campus Casino, the renovation of the bathrooms for the officials of the Casino del Limarí Campus, the container module with two bathroom batteries and showers for assistants of the Andrés Bello Campus, the improvement of bathrooms and showers for officials in the multi-court sector of the Isabel Bongard Campus, among other initiatives.

Specifically, the inaugurated project consists of paving and piping the canal of the vehicle polling sector and the Department of Maintenance and Works. “With these works, officials will enjoy a cleaner place, avoiding pollution and damage to the tools and technological elements they use for their work. At the same time, the piping of the canal will allow us to have safer places,” he indicated.

inauguration mobilization3The initiative also incorporates an automated gate, with biometric access control for people who work or pass through the place, and the beautification of the place.

On the occasion, the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, expressed that “the most important asset we have as a University are our officials, the main factor in Institutional development; "They are the ones who require more comfortable and convenient physical spaces that allow their activities to complement teaching and administrative support, in accordance with the growth guidelines of the institution and its immediate environment."

The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Alejandra Torrejón Vergara, the General Director of Student Affairs, Mg. Miguel Bugueño, the Director of Human Resources, Dr. Héctor Bugueño, among other authorities, officials and special guests.

Written by Prensa Rectory