University of La Serena receives a visit from the Director of the Judicial Academy

judicial director

His visit was part of the inauguration of the new academic year of the University's Law program, where he also shared with authorities from the university. 

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The Director of the Judicial Academy, Juan Vargas Vivancos, visited the University of La Serena on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year of the Law degree, an occasion in which he also held a meeting with the Academic Vice-Rector, Dr. Jorge Catalán, in representation of the Rector, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, together with the Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Alejandra Torrejón, the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Cs. Social and Economic, Mg. Carolina Rodríguez, the Director of the undergraduate program, Mg. Carlos Magna, and the Race Coordinator, Mg. Christian Merino.

At the meeting, the authorities discussed the work that the University carries out today regarding the academic training of future professionals in the region, highlighting the work that has been developed in the Law career.

After this meeting, the inauguration of the academic year of the Law degree took place in the Pentagon Hall of the University of La Serena, a space where the Director of the Judicial Academy gave the talk: “Challenges of the training of judges in Chile”, which was attended by authorities, academics and students.

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom