Academician receives the recognition of Illustrious Son of Coquimbo

illustrious son

The distinction was awarded to academic Jorge Carvajal during the civic-military parade with which the Coquimbo commune celebrated a new anniversary together with authorities and neighbors.

With 50 years dedicated to education in different establishments and institutions in the region, among which the University of La Serena stands out, the academic of the Department of Education, Jorge Carvajal Cortés, has always shown concern and integrity in the training of children and young people, work that earned him recognition from the Municipality of Coquimbo, which distinguished him as Illustrious Son of the commune within the framework of its 152nd anniversary.

For the academic, being named Illustrious Son of Coquimbo was a pleasant surprise, since he feels that this type of recognition is needed for teachers in the region. “I have never thought about being worthy of recognition, so when the news reached me, it was a surprise that I took with honor, thinking of all the important professors in the region who also deserve such important recognition,” said the professor of the degree program. Pedagogy in Basic General Education.

Finally, the educator shared a message to his education students to motivate them to continue working. “I urge my students that the quality of work has to take precedence above all, pedagogy is not a career that gives you great economic benefits, but it does give you spiritual benefits and that it is always important to have the vocation,” he said. .

The distinction of Illustrious Son was awarded to academic Jorge Carvajal during the civic-military parade with which the Coquimbo commune celebrated its 152nd anniversary together with authorities and neighbors. The event was led by Mayor Lucía Pinto and Mayor Marcelo Pereira.

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom