Expert addresses how to care for a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the classroom

tea4 workshop

The researcher emphasized the need to educate in these aspects, which are of vital importance in the educational classroom and that must be addressed from the initial training of future teachers.

Analyzing the concept of Autism Spectrum Disorder and sharing information about the diversification of pedagogical strategies to guarantee educational quality for students who have this condition, was the main objective of the presentation that the academic from the Department of Psychology of the University of La Frontera, Dr. Arlett Krause, offered at the Andrés Bello Campus and Limarí Campus of the University of La Serena.

tea2 workshopThe conference “How to Care for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Classroom”, which was part of the MINEDUC-ULS 1799 Project “Comprehensive Support Plan for Students of the University of La Serena, in a framework of Inclusion and Universal Accessibility”, had the participation of academics, students with a graduation profile and officials from the University of La Serena and practicing teachers, as well as schoolchildren with disabilities, who had the opportunity to learn in depth about ASD, understood as a disorder of neurodevelopment in which genetic and environmental factors interact and which is characterized by disability in social cognition.

The academic emphasized inclusive education where a positive assessment of diversity is made, and the elimination of barriers is promoted through the implementation of strategies that favor the curricular and social inclusion of students with ASD by the educational community.

The activity ended with a workshop to analyze cases, where participants had the opportunity to propose strategies and activities for the care of an ASD student in the classroom, such as the development of social skills and working together with the family.  

Written by Patricia Castro, DirCom