Kinesiology and Vive Full Deporte Center commemorate No Tobacco Month


This activity allowed us to experience the benefits of functional training.

With an outdoor physical activity, the Kinesiology major at the University of La Serena and Vive Full Deportes recently commemorated No Tobacco Month.

kine2This activity, led by ULS graduate, kinesiologist Javiera Castro Slomp, allowed us to experience the benefits of functional training. “It is a great satisfaction for me to be able to contribute to future generations, as a graduate I know how important early experiences are in different areas and today I was able to be part of it, I am grateful for the opportunity,” said the professional.

The day was held within the framework of the graduation profile of the degree and the development of the subject of Sports Kinesiology, which is coordinated by Lic. in Physical Activity Sciences, Jorge Carrizo Largo. “We were able to count on all the students of the subject, who expressed agreement and curiosity to investigate other areas related to movement as a therapeutic factor,” he said.

The participants thanked everyone who made this collaboration possible, mainly Sebastián Cortés Toro, director of the Vive Full Deporte center, and the management of the Race Director, Dr. Alfredo Gary Bufadel.

Written by Gonzalo Lozano, DirCom