ULS organizes meeting on mental health care in young people

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At the Gabriela Mistral Regional Library, the educational institution, through its inclusion project, held the seminar “Mental Health in Young People: Preventing Depression,” which included the participation of two experts in the area.

Providing information on the mental health of young people within the university context, from a preventive and health promotion perspective, was the main objective of the seminar “Mental Health in Young People: Preventing Depression”, organized by the Inclusion and Disability Project from the University of La Serena (ULS 1799), held on August 21.mental health2

The activity took place at the Gabriela Mistral Regional Library and had a large audience, made up of students, teachers, health professionals and professionals from different support and health programs of the University.

The presentations were given by the researcher from the University of Chile, Dr. Álvaro Jiménez and the head of the Mental Health Department of the Coquimbo Health Service, Dr. Sebastián Prieto, who spoke about the care that a young university student should have in the face of prevention in mental health.

“It is important that the audience that is present is made up mainly of young people, since during the activity we deal with a topic that today has been very popular among university students, such as mental health and depression, and it is very positive institutions "like the University of La Serena generates instances of this type," said Dr. Jiménez regarding the importance of being able to generate these spaces for dialogue with young people on topics of great relevance.

The activity ended with a round of questions, where both experts were able to generate a space for reflection around the protective and risk factors that currently influence the mental health of young people.

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom