Faculty of Humanities holds I Meeting on “Advances in Research in Cognition and Language”


Cognition and Language Meeting

The activity, organized by academics from the ULS Department of Arts and Letters, took place between August 29 and 30 and featured presentations by prominent academics, focused on the study of the use of language in various types of contexts.

With the aim of providing a space where undergraduate students from the different courses of the University can approach research, interacting with national and international researchers, the Faculty of Humanities of the University of La Serena held the First Meeting of “Advances of Research in Cognition and Language”, which was carried out at the CADH of the Isabel Bongard Campus.

The activity included lectures by the academic from the New York City College of Technology, Dr. David Sánchez-Jiménez, and the academics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Dr. Nina Crespo and Dr. Romualdo Ibáñez.

Cognition and Language Meeting 2For the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Cristián Noemi, it is important that these types of activities are focused on providing new tools to the institution's students. “It is an important milestone for us as a Faculty that the Department of Arts and Letters and the Department of Education carry out this activity together. “This is an important space to demonstrate to students the importance of conducting research in their training as future teachers,” he said.

For her part, the academic from the Department of Arts and Letters and one of the organizers of this activity, Dr. Paulina Meza, indicated that it is very important for University students to be interested and participate in these instances. “There has been great interest and participation from students to be part of this activity. The idea is to be able to have new versions of this event, giving continuity to spaces where we can work on the training of our students,” she said.

Finally, for the New York City College of Technology academic, Dr. David Sánchez-Jiménez, he said that it is important that the University and the Faculty generate this type of spaces. “Providing guidelines on topics such as improving the way of writing at the University in these types of events contributes a lot to students, since it helps them to be aware of the importance that developing their scientific academic discourse has for their professional life,” he indicated.