Students from Teresa Videla School learn with Augmented Reality application

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In the Play Store and App Store there are only 3 applications with similar characteristics, but they do not allow the number of combinations or the real-time calculation of this application.

Technology advances and so do learning methodologies for students in classrooms. This is why researchers from the Industrial Civil Engineering program at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of La Serena seek to determine the differences in performance and motivation statistics in eighth grade students, with the Ingar-dc analysis application, electrical circuits.

app ing2The academic of the Department of Industrial Engineering and director of the Technology Commercialization and Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Axis of the FIULS 2030 Project, MTII. Alejandro Álvarez, in relation to this initiative, indicated that "our study seeks to go one step further to visualize new ways in the learning process and we realized that there is a different methodology to teach about the electrical circuit with an interactive application, knowing the types of circuits and how electricity and voltage are shared.”

The students and memorists of the Industrial Civil Engineering career, Karim Moya and Katherine Paredes, are writing their memories and implementing the application at the Teresa Videla School in the commune of La Serena.

Karim Moya explained that "we approach the students and observe their performance and show them augmented reality, and we have noticed in the tests the knowledge that they have acquired and they are more motivated."

While Katherin Paredes pointed out that “the title report consists of applying augmented reality based on electrical circuits to find out if student performance and motivation increases with these innovative tools.”

For his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Ing. Mauricio Godoy, congratulated both the academic and the students for this innovative project, pointing out that “as the Faculty of Engineering, we are at the forefront of technologies, supporting our environment, in this case schools in our community, measuring the impact of this new tool.”

The application is called Ingar-dc analysis and in the world, in the Play Store and App Store, there are only 3 applications with similar characteristics, but they do not allow the number of combinations or the real-time calculation of this application.

Technology Commercialization and Technology Entrepreneurship

This Axis of the FIULS 2030 Project seeks to develop and transfer innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities inside and outside the Faculty, generating instances and initiatives that configure a sustainable, recognized and high-impact R&D&i&e ecosystem.

Written by María José Barraza, FIULS 2030 Project