Pedagogy in History and Geography celebrates thanksgiving mass within the framework of its 50th anniversary


Giving thanks for the fiftieth anniversary and the commemoration of deceased academics and students of the University of La Serena was the central reason for the liturgical act.

The liturgical celebration took place in the hall of the Central House of the Andrés Bello Campus of the University of La Serena, and was attended by various authorities and academics from the Pedagogy in History and Geography career, who, accompanied by Father Fernando Castro, They appreciated the permanence of the discipline over time.

Likewise, the occasion allowed us to pray for the founding teachers, Dagoberto Campos Núñez, Juan Panades Vargas, Orlando Castillo and Iris Botarro Castro. Also, pray for the deceased academics, Roberto Páez Constela, Hugo Marín Varela, Edgardo Zelaya Caballero, Mario Ramírez and Héctor Carreño Latorre.

The liturgy is part of the week of activities for the 50th anniversary of the Pedagogy in History and Geography degree, which makes visible the commitment and leading role of the degree in favor of the training of well-rounded students in this subject.

Written by Paula Godoy, ULS journalist