State universities facing the agreement of the National Congress to advance towards a mechanism that allows a New Constitution


The eighteen universities of the State of Chile value the agreement reached by the National Congress to move towards a New Constitution, trusting that it will allow us to democratically build the country we want.

It is essential to safeguard the legitimacy of this process, guarantee broad participation of citizens, an essential pillar for social cohesion and peace. We hope that the mechanism defined for a New Constitution ensures the active participation of everyone, contemplating important aspects, such as gender equality and the inclusion of indigenous peoples.

Having ignored these and other expressions of inequality is one of the keys to understanding the social outbreak that has occurred in Chile.

The rectors of the state universities believe that it is urgent to move towards a just and egalitarian society that guarantees the well-being of the population, social cohesion and to do so, it is necessary to strengthen public education, strengthen the national health system, redefine the role of the State, enhance regional development and promote a sustainable economic model.

The universities of the State, through the generation and delivery of knowledge to society, are committed to opening our spaces for discussion and reflection throughout Chile, and we guarantee that our technical capabilities will be at the disposal of the country for the challenge of build a New Constitution.

Chile can count on its state universities, who are available to actively participate in the construction of a new development model that allows us to move towards a more democratic, more inclusive, fairer country, based on cooperation and mutual collaboration.

Source: CUECH