Students participate in the XL National and XXV International Congress of Geography


Framed by inclusion and care for the environment, this meeting was held on the Juan Pablo II campus of the Catholic University of Temuco, in the Region of La Araucanía.

13 second-year students of the History and Geography Pedagogy degree at the University of La Serena participated in the congress, along with the academic from the Department of Social Sciences, Mg. Marcela Robles Iriarte.

histogeo2The activity, organized by the Chilean Society of Geographic Sciences (SOCHIGEO), took place between November 12 and 15 at the Catholic University of Temuco, and included participation in various activities related to the study of territorial imbalances and regional development.

The meeting allowed the development of various activities, talks and master classes. It is within this framework that the presentation at the Geographic Education table is found, in which representatives of the University of La Serena participated, through two pilot projects. The first consisted of the creation of a smartphone application about environmental sustainability and the preservation and care of wetlands, and the second was a poster for learning Economic Geography.

It should be noted that one of the hallmarks of these works is inclusion. That is why both projects contemplate sign language for people with hearing and visual disabilities and Braille language for blind people.

Within the framework of the conclusion of the Congress activities, a site visit to the Conguillío National Park was contemplated, in the commune of Melipeuco, a space generally known for being the home of centenary araucaria trees and the Llaima volcano, in which the team He was able to learn, through meaningful and experiential learning, the dynamics of volcanoes and how they are capable of shaping the landscape.

The meeting concluded with the invitation from SOCHIGEO to the next Congress, to be held in 2020 in Valparaíso.

Written by Paula Godoy, ULS journalist