Department of Astronomy holds a talk on the Constitution and Constituent Process

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The presentation was given by constitutional lawyer Gabriel Alemparte, who addressed the contingency regarding the current National Constitution, its most serious problems and the mechanisms to update it.

With the participation of academics, officials and students, the Department of Astronomy of the University of La Serena held a remote talk about the context of the current Constitution and the Constituent Process, led by constitutional lawyer Gabriel Alemparte and which took place held in the exhibition hall of the study house.astronomy talk2

The objective of this activity was to form a space for reflection and knowledge about the next constitutional process, under the context of the social outbreak experienced in the country.

In this way, the expert in constitutional law explained the context by which the current Constitution governs and the mechanisms chosen for the drafting of a new Magna Carta for the country, an opportunity where attendees also asked different questions regarding the topics discussed.

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom