Editorial Universidad de La Serena dictates second cycle of training “The Story as a Pedagogical Experience”

Editorial Workshops

The students are professionals and teachers from the Gabriel González Videla Municipal Corporation, who meet once a week through digital platforms.

The first cycle of training given by the Universidad de La Serena Publishing House to the teachers and CRA (Learning Resource Center) managers of different municipal schools in La Serena, belonging to the Gabriel González Municipal Corporation, was classified as a pleasant and useful experience. Videla, carried out during the year 2019. It is for this reason that during 2020 a second cycle of training has begun for a new group of 18 professionals, which will delve into how to use the story from teaching, in the daily work within the classroom, as a habitual and natural practice.

During this training, participants will learn about a diversity of stories, from different parts of the world, with diverse messages and meanings, for different objectives, in addition to identifying and finding stories in the course of their own lives and in the daily lives in which they live. they move

In this regard, the manager of the ULS Editorial, Alejandro Abufom, highlighted that "with this training we seek to enable teachers to experience that, through stories, anecdotes, even jokes, they can have a better and richer pedagogical experience." "Historically, stories, fables and stories have been par excellence an effective way to transmit knowledge. We are not inventing anything, just focusing on it."

For her part, Lucía Bolados, as part of the coordination from the Gabriel González Videla Municipal Corporation, thanked the University of La Serena for carrying out this second cycle. "The idea is to continue with this type of training, it must be said, they are free for us, of a very good level, and I thank you for trusting, for investing your time in the attendees as well. Here we are part of our VTF gardens and "the CRA managers and coordinators and a special guest who works at the Heritage table. I thank everyone for accepting this challenge," he said.

The ULS Publishing and Bookstore, which is part of the Directorate of Liaison with the Environment and Extension (DIVEULS), proposes collaborative work with this initiative, reflective and alliance, with educational entities in the region, responding to the needs detected in community. Part of the University's work is to support teaching work, through different pedagogical tools that strengthen and complement their work in the classroom.

This training includes six work sessions and is developed through a participatory methodology digitally, through the Zoom platform, and is directed by the professional from the ULS Publishing and Bookstore and a graduate in cultural mediation and reading promotion, Olga Sáez.

Written by Jenifer Araya, DIVEULS