Academic of the Department of Public Music in Aurora Magazine "Papers of the María Zambrano Seminary"

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The publication of the University of Barcelona is a philosophical research magazine, focused on the work of María Zambrano, Andalusian philosopher and intellectual, one of the most important and complex thinkers of the last XNUMXth century.

Aurora, Papeles del Seminario María Zambrano (Scopus), in its Number 21, is dedicated to the problem of art and the arts in Zambrano and in this context it incorporates an article from the Department of Music of the ULS Faculty of Humanities.

This is "Schneiderean Resonances in Zambrano: music, soul, method", a work in which Professor Gabriel Gálvez Silva proposes to reveal and verify the influence on the Zambranian philosophy of the great German musicologist Marius Schneider, an author who stands out for his original approach based on intuitions. anthropological and founded on deep knowledge of ancient symbolism and mythology.

From a synopsis of the fundamental ideas of the musicologist, Professor Gálvez advances towards an examination of his relations with the problem of the Zambranian «knowing about the soul», to, finally, review Schneider's traces in the philosopher's methodological proposal.

The article is available at:

Written by Claudia Farías, DirCom