ULS shares inclusion experiences at “Diversity, Gaps and Virtuality” meeting

The meeting is an initiative organized by the General Area of ​​Coordination of Rights and Duties for Comprehensive Training -AGDDFI- an entity that depends on the ULS Academic Vice-Rector's Office and whose purpose is to raise awareness in the community, promoting the collaborative exchange of inclusive practices and experiences developed. at the ULS.

The event was developed on this occasion in virtual mode and brought together more than 50 spectators, who learned in detail about inclusive practices and experiences, developed at the University of La Serena.

3rd match 1During the opening, the Academic Vice-Rector, Dr. Alejandra Torrejón Vergara, pointed out that “inclusion is a call to respect for individuality and the characteristics that define us as human beings worthy of attention, valuation and esteem within a system that for generations has called for homogenizing its members by establishing models, stereotypes regarding how to feel, act and even learn.” The authority also highlighted the actions that have been carried out at the ULS since the 90s, in order to promote inclusion and promote respect for the differences that characterize those who are part of the community and society.

On the other hand, the Coordinator of the General Area of ​​Coordination of Rights and Duties for Comprehensive Training, Mg. Cristian Blanco Alfaro, maintained that "the main objective of the area is to ensure the respect and appreciation of all the students who make up the ULS, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, among others, seeking to break down the prejudices and stereotypes that for decades "They have been present." For this reason, he added, through the 4 areas that make up the AGDDFI -Equity and Gender, Inclusion and Disability, Interculturality and Human Rights- the aim is to achieve a space that promotes cultural transformations for a more just and equitable society.

Sharing Experiences

In this third version of the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to learn about the 8 inclusive experiences, through which it is exemplified that, through a series of practices, actions and concrete initiatives, respect for the differences of each and every person is promoted. one of those people.

The experiences presented are summarized in the following table:

Summary table of exhibitors and Inclusive experiences

Inclusive Interactive Virtual Tour Fray Jorge National Park

Delany Gallardo Molina

Nando Verlest

Camilo Ibacache

Directorate of Links with the Environment and Extension

Diversity in the Virtual Classroom:

How to Approach the Other

Dr. Arlyn Orellana Mc Bride

Academic Dept. Social Cs - FACSEJ

Infrastructure and Accessibility at the University of La Serena

Mg. Marcos Sepúlveda Fuentes

Director of Services Management and Cristofer Vergara Architect.

Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Companies in the Coquimbo Region

Noelia Calderon Navarro

Commercial Engineering Graduate

“La Pallalla” An Educational Radio in Times of Crisis

Dr. Georgina García, Academic D. of Education

Mg. Karina Damke, University Radio Director

Tamara Rojas, Differential Education Student.

Strengthening Inclusion from Initial Training

Mg. Yanett Leiva G.

General Coordinator of the Student Support and Monitoring Office - OAME

PTISI Technological Platform for Integrated Social Inclusion

Mg. Andrés Moya Baeza, Director of the Information and Computing Center - CICULS

I Learn on the Web

Camila Mondaca Herrera

Millaray Nettle Chavez

2nd year Pedagogy students in Differential Education

Short Story Contests in 100 Words I Feel Inclusion

mg. Cristian Blanco Alfaro

General Coordinator Area of ​​Rights and Duties for Comprehensive Training - AGDDFI

At the end, the Coordinator of the AGDFFI, Mg Cristian Blanco, proceeded to carry out a virtual recognition of the participants and winners of the “Microstories in 100 Words I Feel the Inclusion” Contest, held in 2020. In addition, the invitation was extended to the ULS community to participate in the second version to be carried out next September.

Written by Paz Montecinos Kam - Chings, DirCom