They discuss the opportunities offered by the video game industry in Chile


Within the framework of Userena Creativa, Festival of Innovation, Creativity and Cultural Participation, an interesting panel was held on the video game industry in Chile, challenges and opportunities.

Regarding the event and specifically the panel, Margarita Pino Yancovic, International Producer Women Game Jam, highlighted that "it is important to know that video games exist in Chile, that there are several companies making them, that it is a job possibility, it is a career possibility and Regarding development, I think it's absolutely important. Many careers could end in a video game. When you think about video games, you might think only about the machines or you might think only about the hard part of programming, but in reality most video games convey an emotion or wants to tell a story and there are many actors involved.

For her part, Chriss Vásquez, COO and Executive Producer at RPG, commented that they are also working to open the industry to other women. "Our job is also to help others join the industry, it is an important part of the work that we have been doing with Margarita. Being able to make visible what we do, that other girls can see women there, for them it is very good, the representativeness It's super important."

Marcelo Tapia, CEO of Anima Games, participated on behalf of the Coquimbo Region and highlighted that "these spaces are essential to publicize the work of video game developers." Furthermore, he highlighted that what he enjoys most is being able, through this industry, to work to tell stories.

The panel members encouraged anyone interested to join the industry, that cardboard is not needed to start developing and learning and, above all, that the possibilities in Chile are endless. 

Source: Office of Science Dissemination