Delegation of experts from the Auckland University of Technology participates in various ULS activities


This activity included the participation of a multidisciplinary delegation of experts, who presented topics related to the importance of cultural revitalization, the use of technologies in education and the preservation of heritage, among other topics.

Within the framework of the sustained working alliance with the Academic Vice-Rector's Office of the University of La Serena (ULS) and the Directorate of Liaison with the Environment and Extension (DIVEULS), through the Conecta ULS 2195 Project, the participation of a delegation of experts from the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Claudio Aguayo; Elba Ramirez; Cristian Rodríguez; Dylan Verdonkschot; Taituwha King; Joseph Michael; and Tenika Walters, in various university activities.

The first of the activities consisted of the participation of experts on the second day of the Userena Creativa Festival - which brought together themes of innovation, creativity and cultural participation -, through the panel: “Digital learning, art and cultural heritage within the framework of the techno-recreational industries”, which took place on November 17 at 10 a.m. on the indoor court of the Ignacio Domeyko Campus.

Within the framework of the Conecta ULS project, the second of the activities was a visit by the panel of AUT experts to the Canela Alta Basic School, an occasion in which they presented on the use of technologies applied to intercultural education, art and the cultural heritage, before the teachers and part of the educational community of said establishment.

On November 21, the ULS Conference “Creative Technologies: Cultural Heritage” was held from 09 a.m. to 13 p.m., in the Multipurpose Room of the CETECFI building, located on the Ignacio Domeyko Campus of the University of La Serena.

This conference discussed different topics related to the importance of cultural revitalization, the use of technologies in education and the preservation of heritage, in addition to promoting openness to interdisciplinary approaches and the understanding of how technology can play a fundamental role in the promotion of culture, identity and education.

The activity began with the talk: “Maori culture, identity and digital revitalization”, by Taituwha King, an expert in Maori customs, protocols and language, specialized in Haka, Walata and Moteatea; followed by the talk: “AR, VR & ), New Zealand.

After this, there was a discussion and subsequent question session: “Creative technologies and natural and cultural heritage: Experiences and challenges”, where in addition to Taituwha King and Claudio Aguayo, Elba Ramírez, language teacher, specialized in competence, participated. and intercultural education and Spanish; Cristian Rodríguez, Vice Principal of Whangaparaoa College and academic at the Auckland Secondary Teaching Centre; Joseph Michael, visual artist, resident at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and Edmund Hillary Fellow.

Due to this, the institutional coordinator of the DIVEULS, Nando Verelst expressed that “as the University of La Serena, for us it is very relevant to maintain the work agreement that we have with the Auckland University of Technology, especially for the line of research in around STEAM and the integration of indigenous visions, a line that we find extremely interesting to be able to continue both in terms of research and extension.”

Regarding this working alliance and the activities carried out, Dr. Claudio Aguayo, pointed out that “the experience with the Conecta ULS project has been quite positive and has allowed us to share ideas, visions and experiences that we work on in New Zealand with our friends. and colleagues from the ULS and the rest of the region, therefore, the entire delegation is quite satisfied and happy with this meeting.”

It is important to emphasize that Conecta ULS 2195 is an initiative that is carried out with funds from the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), through the Regional Higher Education (ESR) 2021 fund, with the main objective of enhancing the capabilities of the management teams, teachers, and students from educational establishments in lagging areas of the provinces of Elqui, Limarí and Choapa, based on joint work with academics and students from the ULS, through Active Learning Methodologies.

Written by Romina Onel, Conecta ULS Project