Rector promotes mental health program for the entire university community


Providing tools to make decisions on time and focusing relevant help in the context of work will be the main objectives of the Quality of Civil Servant Life Program that will be executed by the People Development Department of the Human Resources Directorate.

The University of La Serena, through the Quality of Life Program, is providing tools to prevent mental health problems in officials and academics and have tools that allow them to be treated if they present symptoms.

This work is part of a special mental health program promoted by the Rector, Dr. Luperfina Rojas, and which is part of the management axes committed during her university government.

“The well-being of all those who work in the organization is and will always be a priority. In this sense, we are looking for a strategic partner to be able to advance this plan that began last year, but that will be carried out with greater force in 2024. The Mutual de Seguridad will be fundamental in this objective, since they are the ones who will guide us to be able to carry out our ideas, since for me and all the authorities of this house of studies, it is essential that all officials are well, demonstrating that we are an empathetic, inclusive and equitable institution,” emphasized Rector Rojas, during the launch of this mental health program.

The Manager of the La Serena Agency of Mutual Security, Arturo Díaz, explained that they will work on the Workplace Mental Wellbeing Model, which will be flexible and adaptable, and has the characteristic that it is accompanied by the continuous improvement that a plan like this, within two years.

During the launch ceremony of the plan, Dr. Carmen Archila, director of Occupational Medicine at Mutual de Seguridad, was invited, who gave the presentation “Mental health, current global context and challenges”, in which she indicated that “organizations must take measures for mental well-being in the work environment, because they have a great impact, not only for workers but because it contributes to the organization by increasing productivity, reducing absenteeism and presenteeism.”

Likewise, for the person in charge of the ULS People Development Department, José Miguel Madrid, “it is essential to provide officials with tools that allow them to face the challenges that are imposed on them every day in terms of mental health and that is why We do the plan that we are going to develop with the conviction that we are going to contribute to the improvement of the mental health of the officials, thus improving their personal life and, why not say it, their family life.”