Authorities welcomed PACE students


The University of La Serena has been working for nine years on the Ministry of Education program that allows more young people from vulnerable sectors to reach higher education.

Information about the benefits provided by the university and the support opportunities received by the 202 students who are part of the Access to Higher Education (PACE) program of the U. of La Serena. This during the official welcome given to them by institutional authorities, headed by Rector Dr. Luperfina Rojas Escobar, within the framework of the 43rd institutional anniversary.

“I want to give you an affectionate greeting, that it is a beautiful experience, it is a very rewarding period, one will learn many things, scientific development and of course comprehensive training, values ​​and that is why I congratulate the OAME team for their work. You are our reason for being, take advantage of these benefits, prepared to contribute to making your journey through higher education easier,” stated the Rector.

For her part, the Coquimbo Education Seremi, Cecilia Ramírez Chávez, contextualized the national vision of PACE and added: “the program has been implemented for 10 years and we as a government are very satisfied to be able to work to strengthen this public policy. PACE contributes to generating greater opportunities for access to Higher Education and also to strengthening all of your previous development as students in your educational establishments of origin, you were able to develop skills that other students have not had, this is really weaving networks and working together. I invite you to take advantage of these opportunities and use them for your life.”

This instance was attended by high university authorities, school directors, coordinators, teachers, professionals, students and also representatives of educational communities attached to the PACE program: Liceo Gabriela Mistral and Colegio Pedro Aguirre Cerda, from the commune of La Serena. , and the Pedro Pablo Muñoz School, in La Higuera.

For her part, the Coordinator of the Office of Student Support and Monitoring (OAME) ULS, Mg. Claudia Toledo Robles, highlighted the systematic work carried out by the program carried out by the Institution: “the PACE program develops transversal support for its students from third grade to the first two years of university, our house of higher education accompanies 14 educational communities, distributed in nine communes in the region, and more than 2.500 students. At the same time, in higher education, more and more young people are entering university. Today we welcome 202 students, and I remind you that this space is not only for academic development, but also for generating meaningful networks, collaboration and personal and professional development are encouraged.”