Academics from the Department of Industrial Engineering participated in a workshop to promote quality management in their classes


The Teaching Improvement Unit organized the training event within the framework of the institutional guidelines promoted by the Rector's Office. 

With the aim of improving the training processes at the institution, academics from the ULS Department of Industrial Engineering participated in the Workshop “Decree 190/2023 and diagnosis of prior learning.” The event took place in two sessions, in which the institutionally established criteria regarding quality management mechanisms were analyzed, to later apply them in teaching.

In this regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Domingo Vega Toro, referred to the importance of aligning with institutional purposes and continuous improvement: “The purpose of these instances is to improve our development as academics, because most of us are trained as engineers. The university defined person-centered teaching, so we are in collaboration in this way of approaching subjects and the teaching-learning process.”

Meanwhile, María Fernanda Fuentealba, an academic who attended both days of the workshop, valued the event positively: “It helped me analyze the decree and reflect with the other teachers about what they think about the training. My subjects are transversal and I am a training teacher, so I am interested in knowing what engineers think about the training of students.”

For his part, academic Jorge Ortega Osorio, who also teaches students of Civil Industrial Engineering, highlighted the opportunity to reflect on one's own teaching work: “It is a contribution to attend these instances, for my part, the diagnostic evaluation me “It attracted a lot of attention, since it becomes a hallmark that a Department can have in its careers.”