Nucleus of Women in Engineering invites students, officials and academics to join


A year ago this group began meeting and has carried out a series of activities and visits to educational establishments. 

Creating instances that reduce gender gaps and encourage female participation in STEM careers are some of the objectives of the Women's Engineering Center at the University of La Serena, which began operating a year ago.

This is a group that brings together women belonging to the different careers of the Faculty of Engineering and in which academics, students and officials can participate.

In this first year of work, various activities and meetings were carried out to conceive new ideas that would improve early intervention, special admission, psychoeducational support and even teaching. And among the challenges for 2024 is adding new members of the university community and also reaching educational establishments that have not been covered by the Nucleus during 2023, developing talks on the importance and contribution of women in the different areas of engineering. .

Luz María Yáñez, coordinator of the Women in Engineering Nucleus, stated that “it is essential to recognize and address the barriers that women face in our discipline. By prioritizing the inclusion and empowerment of women in engineering, we are building a more vibrant and equitable future for the area of ​​science, mathematics, technology and engineering and for all those who wish to be part of it.”

For his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés Pizarro, mentioned that the presence of women not only contributes to diversity of thought, but also promotes innovation, creativity, and the greatest contribution to Engineering. and Architecture. Along with this, he highlighted that “by fostering an inclusive and equitable environment in our faculty, we are cultivating a space where all students, regardless of gender, can thrive and reach their full potential. This not only benefits our students, but enriches the educational experience of all our students and prepares the next generation of engineers to face the world's challenges with a more complete and diverse perspective.”

Registration to be part of the Women in Engineering Nucleus is now open and those students interested in participating just have to enter and click on the link “3rd Call for Women's Nucleus”.

University for a day

During the month of May, the Women in Engineering Nucleus, together with some schools in the Coquimbo Region, will take tours of the Faculty of Engineering so that students can learn about the different spaces available and thus encourage their participation in some of the scientific careers.

On this occasion, the group is making an open call so that female students from 3rd year onwards can be part of this activity, which will be paid, and they will also have the mission of accompanying the schools on their visits. Applications will be open until April 26 and all inquiries will be received through their Instagram @nucleomujeresuls