Law, Pedagogy in Biology and Pedagogy in Chemistry at the ULS have 100% employability the first year of graduation


Annual follow-up study of graduates shows an increase in employability indicators in the first year of work experience.

The 2023 Institutional Employability Study of the University of La Serena, carried out by the Graduate Monitoring Office, showed an improvement in the indicators, being similar to those obtained prior to the pandemic.

Thus, the employability rate in the first year of graduation reached 74%, showing an increase of 10 points compared to the most critical period of the pandemic, when the indicator was 64%.

In relation to the analyzes carried out, Rodrigo Davanzo, Coordinator of the Graduate Monitoring Office, stated that “this study allows us to generate constant analyzes regarding the current employment situation of graduates, allowing us to better understand the behavior of job placement. and the market. Likewise, it gives us indications of what elements should be promoted for the success of future professionals at the University.”


Among the majors highlighted for their employability in the first year are Law, Pedagogy in Biology and Natural Sciences and Pedagogy in Chemistry and Sciences. 100% natural

Regarding these results, the Director of the Law School, Mg. Maribel Veas, indicated that “we value this result positively, because it reflects the quality of the training that our university graduates have in general, it also shows that the environment views positively the work of the institution and that has us to be proud of. Regarding the Law degree, we are currently in a process of curricular renewal, including in this process the voices of employers to know what the environment needs with respect to lawyers and that to the extent that it is well interpreted.

Similarly, with more than 95% employability, the careers of Nursing (96%) and Pedagogy in Basic General Education (98%) stand out.

Regarding the results, the Director(s) of the School of Education, Dr. Andrea Vega, added that “we are proud of the high index that the degree has achieved, which motivates us to continue working on the development of the professional skills of Our students. We must recognize that there is educational expansion, coverage and increase in enrollment in primary education, but at the same time that is not an impediment for the Basic General Education career to be regularly reviewed, improving its processes and its curricular plans to respond to the current demands.”

Finally, the Director of the School of Nursing, Mg. Alexandra Willeke commented that “this high employability rate is due to the high-quality training they received at our school. It is the result of a process of continuous improvement of the study plan, which has allowed nurses to be prepared to meet the demands of the current health system, both at the regional level and in other regions of the country. A no small percentage of graduates are called to work in the same health services or establishments where they completed their professional internship. As a result of their excellent performance during their last clinical experience, in which they demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and abilities acquired throughout their training process.”


Among the elements evaluated in the study is the income received by graduates, accounting for the advances in the indicators of the Nursing career, which has an average gross income of $1.424.678 in the first year. On the other hand, Pedagogy in Mathematics and Computing registers an average income of $1.031.538. Meanwhile, Environmental Civil Engineering $1.657.016, while Civil Mining Engineering registers an average income of $1.701.721.

The Coquimbo Region emerges as the main territory for the development of the profession by ULS graduates with 69,8% of them working in it, followed by regions such as Atacama (8,9%), Antofagasta (8,2 %) and the Metropolitan (7,1%). This element is highly relevant for the institution, being evidence of the institutional commitment of the university to the region, managing to address and resolve the problems of the regional environment in which the institution is inserted, thus fulfilling its current mission.

Davanzo explained that “one of our objectives is to be able to investigate, understand and accompany the insertion of graduates into the world of work, with various programs and services from the unit, which allow professionals to perform in an environment of well-being and with a high focus on the needs and expectations that the Coquimbo region presents. This is why we invite you to contact us through the social networks @egresadosuls and be able to continue working together in pursuit of work support and well-being.”

The study aims to annually monitor graduates, collecting their current situation and identifying their work characteristics, perception and satisfaction with the school, and in this way propose improvements in the various programs for future professionals, and thus be updated in the challenges that arise in the workplace.