Opinion Column - Rector, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés: The Educational Reform cannot marginalize state universities

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When discussing the Educational Reform, it is relevant to remember the definition of education, according to Law No. 20.370, article 2. It is defined as a “lifelong learning process that covers the different stages of people's lives and that has The purpose is to achieve their spiritual, ethical, moral, emotional, intellectual, artistic and physical development, through the transmission and cultivation of values, knowledge and skills."

The task of educating, of forming citizens who contribute to the development of the country, requires that the institutions that carry out this role, especially those that are part of the State, have concrete and sufficient support to carry out this country's mission. 

Strengthening the work of state universities requires a new real deal, which does not only mean supervising and verifying the use of the meager resources they have available, the result of the disastrous self-financing policies in force, which has resulted in young people going into debt for that which is a right. 

For their part, universities have to worry every year about their financing, since they must grant public sector readjustment for their officials, where income is not readjusted in the same proportion. Furthermore, the greatest costs should be passed on to the students, a complex situation that we do not share because the University cannot take charge of a situation, which on some occasions has involved student movements, for something that corresponds to the State. 

It is worth asking then, how does a university of the State of Chile receive less fiscal resources than some private universities with the same characteristics of the CRUCH? We are convinced that state status cannot only mean demands, administrative obstacles and unnecessary expenses, but should result in real and effective support from the State. Reforming education requires a systemic, consistent and determined view, also considering the great expectations that have been created about free education.

The new deal between the State and its universities declared in President Bachelet's program is fully justified, because the State is its owner and because of the strategic role that they play, because of their solidarity and social responsibility.

State Higher Education requires and demands conditions that guarantee the fulfillment of the mission that the State itself demands of it. It is imperative that the Educational Reform values ​​the effort that these institutions make and, through concrete actions, demonstrates what, until today, has only been declared in speeches.