inter race

Mechanical Execution shares the tournament lead with Construction Engineering, both groups with 9 points. 

Although only 3 dates of the Intercarreras de Fútbol “Rodrigo Meléndez López” of the University of La Serena 2015 have been played, the first favorites already appear, and the current champion, Execución Mecánica, puts on the suit again. Of course, now it is not alone, since it shares the highest part of the position table with Engineering in Construction, both squads with 9 points.

Further behind with 6 points are the Civil Mining, Civil Industrial, Commercial and Civil Mechanics teams. Those that follow with 4 points are: Mine Execution and Kinesiology. Meanwhile, at the bottom, are Civil Works and Audit, both with only 1 point. Those who have not added and find themselves with an empty basket are the Cafilo and Pedagogy in Mathematics and Computing majors. 

4th date starts on Friday

The fourth date begins this Friday, June 5, when at 16 p.m. the leadership of the tournament will be disputed between the leading Mechanical Execution and Construction Engineering, on court number 2 of the Andrés Bello Campus.

The other matches are scheduled for Saturday, starting at 9 in the morning with the confrontation between Kinesiology and Commercial Engineering, on court 2. On the same grass, they will face each other at 10:20 hrs. Cafilo against Auditoria, and later, at 11:40 hrs., Civil Minas will play its option against Obras Civiles.  

On court 1, they will be played from 10:20 hrs. the duels between Mathematics and Computing and Civil Mechanics, and then, at 11:40 hrs., Execution Mines will fight for the 3 points playing against Civil Industrial.

Source: DGAE Press


The information was released by JUNAEB after a meeting with the transport union and the Seremi of Transport.

The deadline to use the TNE 12 in the Coquimbo Region was extended until June 2014, a decision that was reached after a meeting between the JUNAEB, the Transport Ministry and the transport union of the Coquimbo Region. 

In this sense, JUNAEB Coquimbo, communicated via email to the University that “after a meeting held today (yesterday) between our regional director, the Transport Seremi and the representatives of the transport union, an extension was agreed on. the validity of the TNE 2014, a use that in the first instance was until May 31 and that from today extends until June 12.”

It should be noted that in the DGAE there are still 2015 credentials that have not been withdrawn by students. To do this, they must contact the ULS TNE manager, Oscar Daza, during regular hours. 

Finally, for students who, having had their photograph taken, have not yet received their TNE and do not appear on the attached payroll, they are asked to fill out the form available at the following link:

Source: DGAE Press

family day

In an entertaining activity, the educational community of the “Los Papayitos” Kindergarten and Nursery Room enjoyed an artistic day for the toddlers. 

The boys and girls from the different levels of the “Los Papayitos” Garden presented their dancing talents in the presence of parents and guardians, in a new celebration of Family Day. 

In this sense, the director(s) of Papayitos, Ana Montecinos, expressed that the celebration “is a good opportunity for parents to share and get to know each other, and to see what the children prepare,” highlighted the educator. 

Likewise, Javier Figueroa, representative of the Sala Cuna, expressed the importance of this type of event to learn about the work of the garden with their children. “It is super important to be able to share, to unite more and it is very entertaining to see the children doing activities and how every day they grow and learn new things,” he expressed. 

Finally, Daniela Campos, student of Pedagogy in Biology and Cs. Naturals, he valued that boys and girls develop social skills early. “It is very good that when they are little they begin to develop the artistic side, mine is a year and a half old and she is already dancing,” said the student. 

Source: DGAE Press

interraces 1

After two days, the teams of Industrial Civil Engineering, Mechanical Execution and Construction share the lead of the tournament with 6 points.

The “Rodrigo Méndez López” Intercareer Soccer Championship of the University of La Serena will experience a vibrant day this Saturday, May 30, starting at 9 in the morning on the fields located on the Andrés Bello Campus (Colina El Pino). 

On court number 1 “Oscar Urrutia Miranda” and in the first duel of the date, Mine Execution will face off against Kinesiology. While on court number 2, Civil Mecánica will be playing against Cafilo. In the middle of the day and on court 1, Civil Industrial will face the current champion, Mechanical Execution, in one of the most attractive duels of the date. The meeting between Audit and Civil Minas is also contemplated, on court 2.

And in the final duels of the date, to be played on the grass of court 1, Construction Engineering will face Mathematics and Computing, and Civil Works will seek the 3 points against Commercial Engineering. 


After two days, the teams of Industrial Civil Engineering, Mechanical Execution and Construction share the lead of the contest with 6 points, followed by Mine Execution, Commercial, Civil Mines, Civil Mechanics and Kinesiology, with 3 points. Further back are Audit and Civil Works, with 1 point, and Cafilo and Mathematics and Computing close the table, squads that have not added units.


The tournament's scoring table is led by Maximiliano Ávalos and David Maldonado, from Execución Minas and Civil Industrial, respectively, both with 5 goals, followed by Ángelo Flores, gunner from Construction, with 4 goals.

Source: DGAE Press


These are two nursery school spaces, which regular ULS students can access.

The “Los Papayitos” Kindergarten and Nursery Room informs the community that there are still two spaces available for its Nursery Room.

This was announced by the social worker of the educational establishment, Marisol Avilés. “The idea is to be able to inform students that Papayitos has two places for the Nursery Room, so for those students who have not found a garden and who need to have their children in an establishment, they can go to the garden to fill out the application form” , he stated.

Likewise, Avilés highlighted that in order to apply it is necessary to “be a regular student and have the social protection record.”

It should be noted that the “Los Papayitos” Garden was born in 2006, given the need for ULS students to have an educational establishment that provides care and knowledge to their children, while they fulfill their academic obligations.

Source: DGAE Press


The process will take place from May 18 to 20 at the Amphitheater located on the Isabel Bongard Campus. 

The new National Student Card (TNE) will be delivered to the students of the U. de La Serena who opted for the benefit this Monday 18, Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 May at the Amphitheater, located on the Isabel Bongard Campus, from 9:00 a.m.: 17 to XNUMX hrs., continuous hours. 

In this regard, the coordinator of TNE ULS, Oscar Daza, stated that to collect the new TNE, students must present themselves with their identity card and "carry their old card and if they do not have it, they must fill out a form proving that they do not have the card." old to receive the TNE 2015.”

Furthermore, the TNE will not be delivered to third parties, so it is essential that young people carry their identity card to carry out the process. Otherwise, they must bring proof of application from the Civil Registry. 

It should be noted that according to what was announced by the National School Aid and Scholarship Board (Junaeb), the new TNT is built under high quality standards and a new design that guarantees greater durability. 

Source: DGAE Press