Department Groups. of Extracurricular Activities carried out interventions in casinos


The interventions were carried out on the Andrés Bello, Isabel Bongard and Coquimbo campuses.

With an artistic intervention in the casinos and cafeterias of some University campuses, the Department of Extracurricular Activities generated an atmosphere of cultural entertainment during the students' lunch hours.

The activity included the participation of the Folkloric Ensemble, Tuna Femenina Azahares, Circo Minero, Tuna de Distrito, Teatro Experimental and Tuna San Bartolomé. The objective was to make a change, since previously it was developed into an artistic exhibition at the end of the year, to show our students the groups in which they can participate.

dgae2Taking advantage of the number of people during lunch time, it was decided to carry out the intervention in the casinos, a moment of free time and relaxation for the students.

The Coordinator of the Department, Mauricio Castillo, indicated that “the reception of the students was good, beyond finishing their lunch time, they stayed watching and applauding the groups that presented themselves. We hope to continue with these events next year, at the beginning of the academic year we want to hold an artistic exhibition to invite students to join our groups.”

With these activities, the DGAE strengthens its mission, which is to fully support students during their stay at the University, contributing to their human and professional training, in an environment of respect and encouragement of participation.

Source: DGAE Diffusion