Tuna Femenina Azahares receives the award for the "Best Tuna" in Concepción

female prickly pear

The university group also appeared Talagante and Chillán.

With the aim of disseminating the art, culture and tradition of good tunar throughout the country, the Tuna Femenina Azahares of the University of La Serena participated in the XIX Meeting of Tunas and Estudiantinas 2018 of Talagante, organized by the Illustrious Municipality of the commune, and also of the III Meeting of Tuna and Estudiantinas in the city of Concepción, organized by the Women's Tuna of the San Sebastián University of said city, where it was awarded as the "Best Tuna".

female tuna2“There were twelve days in which the Azahares Female Tuna toured the central and southern area of ​​the country, a trip made by 16 of its 26 members, including Tuniñas and Pardillas, for whom it meant creating and uniting new ties of brotherhood, as well as getting to know new places. and live new experiences in the art of good tunar music," said Claudia Urrutia, a journalism student at the University of La Serena and a member of the Tuna.

In addition to these places, the city of Chillán was chosen by the members to play, captivate and make all the citizens fall in love, who highlighted the musical quality of the different rhythms; double steps, waltzes, accompanied by guitars, bandurrias and tambourines.

“We congratulate the female Tuna Azahares for their outstanding participation in the two meetings, being one of the permanent groups of the University. Her achievements reflect hard work and dedication in both rehearsals and performances. The recognition ratifies the guidelines of the DGAE and the Department of Extracurricular Activities, which are to fully support students during their stay at the University, contributing to their human and professional training, in an environment of respect and stimulating participation ". expressed from the DGAE.

Source: DGAE Diffusion